In case you’re into social media marketing, you would know how difficult it can be to manage multiple projects at one time. And you would agree that in order to be successful in your job, you need a proper toolbox equipped with latest graphics, analytics, and productivity tools. These tools don’t only make you more creative but they also enhance your productivity as a social media marketer.
In this post, we decided to share a list of some of the really cool and effective tools that are being used by our team of digital kangaroos to streamline their work:
1. Slim Lists for Trello
This is a chrome extension that is an amazing hack for all Trello users.
Are you new to Trello? It’s a wonderful project management tool that makes it easier for you to manage your projects. By not using this tool, you’re missing on something really important and major in your workspace.
2. One Tab
How often does it happen that you have a bunch of tabs open in your browser and they are slowing down your system but you don’t close them because you don’t want to lose any of those tabs? OneTab offers you an interesting solution to this problem of yours. By downloading this extension, you can send all your tabs under one tab and they all remain clickable links.
3. Senders
Senders is basically a caller ID for your email. It works by pulling information about the sender based on his/ her email account that is by extracting the sender’s name, title, bio and links to all his/ her social media profiles. It even displays the follow count on individual’s Twitter profile along with his/ her latest tweets and links to the Google search for him/ her.
This tool also allows you to edit your information in your own account. Senders won’t read any of your emails when you give it the permission to see your account. It simply scans the web for person’s info.
4.G-Lock Apps
G-Lock Apps offers an amazing solution for emails that get stuck in the Promotions tab or the spam folder. By adding a simple code to the end of an email, G-Lock will send the email through a filtering system to tell you if your email will go to promotions tab, spam folder or inbox. This app offers an excellent solution for increasing the open rates of emails that you send as a part of a newsletter or campaign.
5. Prisma
Prisma is an app, available both on iOS and Android, which turns your images into an art by applying filters on them. There are a number of features to choose from. The app is simple to use and offers a great solution for all your marketing needs. The artistic filters make your images look like they are hand-drawn.
6. Assitant.to
Assistant.to is a Gmail plugin that has an access to your Google calendar and has the potential to remove all the hassles involved in scheduling appointments via Gmail.
You need to simply press a button inside your Gmail and the available free slots get populated into the email you’re currently writing. It, however, requires the use of the desktop version of Gmail.
7. Pocket Explore
Pocket Explore is a new feature added by a bookmarking site Pocket. This feature helps in curating the saved content into a news feed so as to facilitate marketers in finding stories that they might have missed. By using the browsing history of articles, it surfaces the top-rated stuff to be found easily by intended users.