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Are Google New Core Updates Negatively Impacting Your Rankings? Here’s What You Can Do.

Google constantly releases some updates to modify and improve its ranking algorithms. Minor changes are released almost every day but they hardly affect the rankings. But, there are some broad changes made to systems and search algorithms and they are released a few times a year.

These core changes or “core updates” are fully capable of shaking off your SERP rankings to either high or low ranks. Google continuously makes changes to algorithms so as to deliver the most relevant, original and latest content to the users.

The webpreneurs may notice significant gain or loss of traffic or rank due to a core fix. You may try to fix things to bring your rankings up in case you are losing them but WAIT!

As per Google advisory, you don’t need to fix the wrong things. In fact, there might not be anything that needs to be fixed. Google always releases prior notice and advice to webmasters or content curators so that they may take relevant action to improvise the affected parameter.

What is the reason for a drop in ranking?

First, you need to understand that there might not be anything wrong with the pages that are performing badly. It could also be that they have not violated any Google webmaster guideline or fallen prey to any manual action.

In a core update, the search engine improvises on an overall assessment of the content. The changes are not meant to target some specific pages, sites or niche. The changes can make some top-rated pages witness a drop in rankings. On the other hand, some low performing pages may see an instantaneous boost.

Google explains the entire ideology with a simple concept. That is, if you have a web page listing the best 100 movies in 2015. After a few years, it could be that there are more deserving movies that must be a part of that list.

So, the point is that the new list pertaining to 2019 will get a higher place. Also, you may also reconsider the movies already on the list and realize that they deserve a higher place than before.

The list, therefore, needs a revision.

What can I do to combat Google’s core updates?

As advised by Google, you cannot do much to improve your dropped rankings. If you are offering quality and original content then you needn’t worry. Delivering best as per your capabilities will definitely bring you back to the arena.

In addition to the advice released on the Panda algorithm, Google has shared some more information.

Focus on Content

Here are some tips that you need to consider while curating the content. Remember, self-assessment can prove very handy in realizing the impact of core updates.

Tips related to content

  • Make sure that your content provides:

i. Original information, research or analysis.

ii. A substantial and comprehensive description of the topic.

iii. Insightful information or analysis that is beyond obvious.

  • The title/ topic or headline is descriptive and backed by a helpful summary.
  • Make sure that the title/headline is neither over-exaggerative nor shocking in nature.
  • Look at it as an audience and see if you would like to share it with a friend.
  • Is you content worthy to be taken as reference by any encyclopedia, wiki or magazine?

 Tips related to expertise

  • The information or the facts provided should be from a trustable author or website. Do check the website’s authority before taking any references.
  • The content should be free from easily-verifiable factual errors.

Tips related to presentation and production

  • The content should be free from stylistic and spelling issues. It should neither be hastily produced nor should it appear sloppy.
  • Showing an excessive number of ads will distract the audience. Make sure that your ads don’t interfere with the main content.
  • Your website and page should be mobile-responsive.

Last but not least, the content should deliver substantial value when compared to other similar pages in SERPs. It should genuinely serve the interest of the audience.

Quality Rater Guidelines and E-A-T

Raters are the people who give ratings to Google’s algorithm regarding its operability and effectiveness. Have a look at the quality rater guidelines. These guidelines will help you to understand how content is assessed.

This will help you to improve your rankings and perform better in SERPs. These raters assess the content on EAT metrics. EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. So, by going through these guidelines you can make improvements as desired.

How much time does a website take to recover from a core update?

Frankly, content impacted by one major core update may not get improved even after making improvements. Things may remain the same until the next broad core update.

But the rankings may improve over time as Google keeps on releasing minor core updates frequently. Also, if the content adheres to all the above-mentioned tips, it will recover easily. A well-deserving content remains unaffected and continues to perform well despite the core updates.

Understanding how search works or how content is crawled will give you better insights into content improvements.

Struggling with your website’s rankings? Digital Kangaroos can help your website to punch above its weight. We offer the latest and updated SEO techniques and well-optimized quality content to make your website grow.

 Contact us at +91 9814820845 or mail your queries at info@digitalkangaroos.com

Media contact

Jasmeet Kaur

Digital Kangaroos


Email: info@digitalkangroos.com