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When customers embark on the journey of purchasing products, their expectation is clear: a seamless and easily navigable checkout process....

When customers embark on the journey of purchasing products, their expectation is clear: a seamless and easily navigable checkout process. Optimize Mobile checkout Flow — a game-changer that not only enhances in-person transactions at brick-and-mortar stores but also revolutionizes the online shopping experience. 

At Digital Kangaroos, your trusted web development and software ally, we understand the significance of a streamlined checkout. 

Whether it’s eliminating the need for a traditional checkout counter in physical stores or reducing online shopping cart abandonment, our focus is on making the mobile checkout process simple, effective, and intuitively designed to usher in a new era of increased conversions. 

Join us as we delve into the key strategies for mastering the art of mobile checkout to elevate your sales to new heights.

Understanding Mobile Checkout:

In the fast-paced world of online shopping, mobile devices have become the go-to platform for consumers looking to make quick and convenient purchases. 

The mobile checkout process plays a pivotal role in this digital shopping landscape, determining whether a potential sale is completed or abandoned. 

In this article, we’ll explore the nuances of mobile checkout, understand why shoppers abandon their carts, and delve into best practices for optimizing the mobile checkout flow.

Mobile checkout refers to the process of finalizing a purchase on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. It involves entering payment details, selecting shipping options, and confirming the order. 

The key to a successful mobile checkout lies in providing a seamless and user-friendly experience tailored to the unique constraints and preferences of mobile users.

Cart Abandonment- Unraveling the Mystery:

Cart abandonment, the bane of ecommerce, occurs when shoppers add items to their cart but fail to complete the purchase. 

Mobile users, in particular, exhibit this behavior due to various factors. These include a confusing checkout process, information overload on-screen, and a lack of pricing transparency. 

Some users may also use the cart to save items for future consideration, leading to unintentional abandonment. 

Given the lower conversion rates on mobile compared to desktop, optimizing the mobile checkout process is crucial for businesses aiming to boost their bottom line.

The Cost of Abandonment and the Mobile Imperative:

Ecommerce stores lose a staggering $18 billion annually to cart abandonment, with mobile devices having the highest abandonment rate at 85.65%. Mobile users represent nearly 60% of online traffic, highlighting the indispensable role of mobile devices in the ecommerce equation. 

To counteract this trend, mobile checkout optimization emerges as a strategic imperative for ecommerce merchants.

Best Practices for Mobile Checkout Optimization:

1. Minimize Required Fields: 

Streamline the mobile checkout process by reducing the number of mandatory fields, making it concise and user-friendly.

2. Optimize Website Design: 

Design a simple, distraction-free checkout page with clear call-to-action buttons, ensuring a smooth transition from one step to the next.

3. Offer Guest Checkout: 

Provide a guest checkout option to eliminate the need for users to create an account, minimizing friction and reducing abandonment rates.

4. Enable Autofill and Express Checkout: 

Implement features like autofill using Google Autocomplete or express checkout options (e.g., Shop Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay) to expedite the process.

5. Clear and Concise Error Messages: 

Enhance user experience by providing clear visual indicators for errors, helping users rectify issues promptly.

6. Include a Progress Indicator: 

Guide users through the checkout journey by incorporating a progress indicator, offering transparency and managing expectations.

7. Test Your Mobile Checkout Flow: 

Employ A/B testing to identify the most effective design, continually refining the checkout process based on user behavior.

Navigating the Pitfalls: Mobile Checkout Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

In the dynamic realm of mobile commerce, the checkout process plays a pivotal role in converting potential customers into successful sales. However, numerous common mistakes can thwart this conversion, leading to abandoned shopping carts. 

Let’s explore these pitfalls and discover how to sidestep them for a seamless mobile checkout experience.

1. Protracted Checkout Processes:

A convoluted mobile checkout process provides ample opportunities for customers to abandon their carts. Simplify and streamline your checkout forms, avoiding unnecessary pages or forms. 

Incorporate autofill features to expedite the input of critical information such as shipping and email addresses. Additionally, embrace guest checkout options to eliminate potential stumbling blocks associated with account creation.

2. Manual-Entry Payment Hassles:

Requiring customers to manually type their full credit card numbers can be a deterrent, especially on mobile devices. Integrate express checkout options like Shop Pay, PayPal, and Apple Pay to enhance the payment process’s speed and ease. 

Shopify’s 2020 study revealed that mobile checkout conversion rates were significantly higher for Shop Pay checkouts compared to regular checkouts. Offering multiple payment gateway options ensures flexibility for customers with saved data in various platforms.

3. Design and Layout Challenges:

A cluttered checkout page on a mobile screen can be confusing and frustrating. Optimize your mobile checkout design for simplicity, avoiding unnecessary links that might divert customers from the checkout page. 

Platforms like Shopify’s POS Go mobile device provide a clean and customizable design, complete with a built-in barcode scanner and card reader, contributing to a smoother mobile checkout experience.

4. Lack of Transparency and Clarity:

Ensure transparency in your mobile checkout flow by presenting information about shipping costs, delivery fees, and taxes early in the process. Unexpected fees during the final stages of payment can contribute to cart abandonment. 

Whenever possible, offer free delivery, as highlighted in a 2020 study where free delivery emerged as a leading motivator for online purchases.

5. Inability to Save Information:

Facilitate a seamless customer experience by providing the option for mobile customers to save their shopping carts for future purchases. While guest checkout simplifies one-time purchases, enabling customers to save payment information promotes efficiency for return purchases. 

Integrate the option to create an account post-guest checkout to encourage a more extended relationship without impeding the initial checkout process.

By steering clear of these common mobile checkout mistakes, businesses can create a more user-friendly and efficient shopping experience, ultimately reducing cart abandonment and fostering customer loyalty.


In the ever-evolving landscape of online commerce, the mobile checkout process stands out as a linchpin in converting customer intent into successful transactions.

At Digital Kangaroos, your devoted partner in web development and software solutions, we recognize the paramount importance of a seamlessly integrated checkout experience, whether in the physical realm of brick-and-mortar stores or the virtual space of online shopping.

Understanding the intricate dance between customers’ expectations and the intricacies of mobile checkout is pivotal. It’s not just about completing a purchase; it’s about orchestrating a symphony that eliminates hurdles, reduces cart abandonment, and propels your business towards increased conversions. 

Our commitment lies in crafting mobile checkout processes that are not only simple and effective but also intuitively designed to resonate with the preferences of today’s mobile-savvy consumers.

As we journey through the nuances of mobile checkout optimization, we unveil strategies that transcend the ordinary. From minimizing required fields to offering clear error messages, each step is a deliberate move towards a more user-friendly and efficient checkout experience. 

In the realm of mobile commerce, every detail matters, and our focus at Digital Kangaroos is to ensure your business emerges as a frontrunner in this digital revolution.


What are some examples of mobile payment options?

Several payment gateways facilitate quick and secure mobile checkout experiences, surpassing traditional methods. Examples include Shop Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

How can I ensure mobile checkout security?

Ensuring mobile checkout security involves utilizing a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate to encrypt and authenticate customer data. Opting for a secure ecommerce platform like Shopify and integrating secure payment options like Shop Pay adds an extra layer of protection.

Can I use mobile checkout for in-store purchases?

Absolutely. Mobile checkout systems can seamlessly extend to brick-and-mortar stores. Employ self-checkout mobile devices with tap-to-pay technology for contactless shopping or equip employees with tools like Shopify’s POS Go for flexible transactions anywhere in the store.

How can I encourage customers to use mobile checkout?

Foster mobile checkout adoption by maintaining a mobile-friendly ecommerce store with simple designs, easy checkout flows, and clear call-to-action buttons.

How can I evaluate the effectiveness of my mobile checkout process?

Metrics such as sales conversion rate, average order value, and cart abandonment rate are invaluable in evaluating mobile checkout effectiveness. Real-time data provided by platforms like Shopify empowers merchants to adjust their mobile checkout processes for optimal results.

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying updated with the latest software development technologies is crucial for businesses to remain...

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying updated with the latest software development technologies is crucial for businesses to remain competitive. As a leading software development company in Australia, USA, and Canada, Digital Kangaroos understands the significance of adopting cutting-edge technologies to deliver innovative software solutions.

In this blog post, we will explore the top trending and latest software development technologies to follow in 2023-24:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) continue to revolutionise various industries. AI-powered software systems can automate processes, analyze large datasets, and provide valuable insights. Machine Learning algorithms enable systems to learn from data and improve performance over time. Integrating AI and ML into software development can unlock new possibilities, such as predictive analytics, natural language processing, and intelligent automation.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant traction, connecting devices and enabling seamless data exchange. IoT-driven software solutions enhance efficiency, enable remote monitoring, and improve decision-making. As IoT continues to expand, software developers must have expertise in developing scalable and secure applications that can harness the power of connected devices and IoT ecosystems.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has gone beyond cryptocurrencies and offers numerous applications in software development. Its decentralized nature ensures data integrity, transparency, and security. Blockchain is being leveraged for smart contracts, supply chain management, identity verification, and more. Incorporating blockchain technology into software solutions can enhance data privacy, reduce fraud, and enable trustful transactions.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) combine the best of web and mobile applications, delivering an immersive and seamless user experience. PWAs are responsive, reliable, and offer offline functionality. They eliminate the need for separate development for different platforms, making them cost-effective. By leveraging modern web technologies like service workers and push notifications, PWAs provide fast and engaging user experiences across various devices.

Low-Code/No-Code Development

Low-Code/No-Code development platforms empower businesses to build applications with minimal coding requirements. These platforms provide visual interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built components, accelerating the development process. With low-code/no-code development, businesses can create custom software solutions efficiently, reducing development time and costs.

If you are looking for a reliable software development company, Digital Kangaroos is your trusted partner. With our expertise in cutting-edge technologies and a track record of delivering successful software solutions, we can help your business thrive in the digital landscape and achieve desired goals.

To discuss your software development requirements or learn more about our services, visit our website at Digitalkangaroos.com. Let Digital Kangaroos be your catalyst for digital transformation and innovation.


Adopting the latest software development technologies is vital for businesses to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. The trends mentioned above, including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, IoT, Blockchain, Progressive Web Apps, and Low-Code/No-Code development, present exciting opportunities for businesses to enhance their operations and drive growth. As a leading software development company, Digital Kangaroos is committed to helping businesses leverage these technologies and achieve their digital goals.

Nowadays, it’s essential for companies of all sizes to have an online presence. With the rise of e-commerce, customers are...

Nowadays, it’s essential for companies of all sizes to have an online presence. With the rise of e-commerce, customers are increasingly turning to online platforms to purchase goods and services. As such, it’s essential that businesses adapt to this trend and establish a strong online presence to remain competitive. Shopify is one such platform that can help businesses move their operations online. In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of using Shopify to build your business website in India or abroad.

Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that provides businesses with the tools and resources they need to establish an online presence. The platform is easy to use, flexible, and customizable, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. One of the most significant advantages of using this platform is that it provides businesses with a wide range of features that can help them build and grow their online presence.

Shopify Platform Benefits for Online Businesses

Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of using Shopify to build your business website.

Easy to Use

One of the biggest advantages of using Shopify is that it’s incredibly user-friendly. The platform is easy to navigate, and the setup process is straightforward, even for those with limited technical knowledge. Shopify’s drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to create and customize your website without the need for extensive coding or design skills.


Shopify offers a wide range of customization options, allowing businesses to create a unique online presence that reflects their brand. The platform offers a wide range of themes and templates, which can be customized to match your brand’s colour scheme and design aesthetic. Additionally, its extensive app store offers a range of tools and resources that can be used to enhance the functionality of your website.


In today’s mobile-first world, having a mobile-friendly website is essential. Shopify offers a range of mobile-friendly themes and templates, ensuring that your website looks great on all devices. Additionally, Shopify’s mobile app allows you to manage your online store on the go, giving you the flexibility to run your business from anywhere.

Secure and Reliable

Security is a top priority for online businesses, and Shopify takes this seriously. The platform offers a range of security features, including SSL encryption and PCI compliance, ensuring that your website and customer data are secure. Additionally, its robust infrastructure ensures that your website is always up and running, even during periods of high traffic.


One of the most significant advantages of using Shopify is that it’s scalable. Whether you’re just starting or have an established online presence, it can grow with your business. The platform offers a range of plans, including Shopify Plus designed for high-volume businesses. Additionally, Shopify’s app store offers a range of tools and resources. They can be used to enhance the functionality of your website as your business grows.

If you’re looking to move your business online in India or anywhere outside, Shopify is an excellent choice. Shopify offers a range of features and customization options that can help you build a strong online presence and reach your target audience. Additionally, Shopify Development Services in Punjab can help you create a custom Shopify website depending upon your business needs.

In a nutshell, moving your business online with Shopify offers a range of benefits. These include ease of use, customization options, mobile-friendliness, security, and scalability. If you’re looking to establish an online presence for your business in India, specifically in Punjab, Contact Digital Kangaroos now. Digital Kangaroos- Web Development and Software Development Company can help you create a custom Shopify website for your business. With their expertise in Shopify website development in Punjab, you can amp up your online game.

Online marketing and store builders have become necessary in the digital era. However, with the growing technologies, the options for...

Online marketing and store builders have become necessary in the digital era. However, with the growing technologies, the options for marketing and building websites have grown tremendously.

It can be overwhelming to make the correct choice from dozens of platforms. Whether you have a start-up business or a successfully running enterprise, using a marketing platform is a must.

Shopify is the best platform available for building e-commerce websites and marketing. It is the best option for merchants trying to reach out to either the local or global market.

Shopify is catering to the marketing needs in 175 countries with about 1.2 million users.

To further clarify the claims and your doubts, let us look at the reasons you should use Shopify.

  • Affordable subscriptions and plans

Not every business is financially stable enough to pay huge amounts for marketing. But, Shopify makes it easier with its no server costs and available discounts.

It is the biggest advantage of Shopify which offers distinguished pricing plans for a startup business to multinational companies. The basic Shopify plan starts from only $29 a month.

Further, Shopify charges no server costs. It also provides an additional 10% discount on annual plans and a 20% discount on biennial plans.

Shopify understands the difficulty of initiating a startup and charges no additional bandwidth fees.

Apart from that, you also have the chance of a 14-day trial and analyze its benefits for your enterprise.

Digital Kangaroos, a premier web development and top marketing agency, helps you build your e-commerce websites with its exclusive and affordable services.

  •  Safe and reliable

When owning a business enterprise, you have tons of customers to tend to. Your website contains sensitive consumer information.

This can include their details, and credit/debit card information. Along with that, sometimes customers are impatient and can leave the website if it has slow processing.

Thus, the e-commerce website must be fast, secure, and reliable.

To clear user doubts and ensure that they are using the best, Shopify is certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant.

Additionally, Shopify offers great app integrations with SaaS services. This means that users can host the e-commerce store according to their needs.

They can decide on the payment options, language options, shipping options, and hundreds of filters for their consumers.

  • 24×7 Support

When catering to 1.2 million users, it becomes fairly important to provide 24×7 support to the users.

Shopify prioritizes the consumers’ needs and their response is instant. It is completely the user’s choice to choose the mode of communication.

They can either opt for web chat, a personal call, or email. No matter how big or little the issue is, Shopify has a wide network to rely on.

They even offer web seminars and video tutorials to make the store-building process swift and easy.

Forbye, Shopify also has customer forums which is a great way of helping users with similar issues.

  • Dynamic SEO

Search Engine Optimization is one of the major factors that puts a website on top of Google searches. To gain maximum traffic, and a higher ranking on the SERPs, SEO is the dominant factor.

Shopify helps in achieving this by organic means. It uses advanced analytical techniques to put your website on a pedestal in the Google search engine.

Shopify provides customized meta titles and meta descriptions to enhance website traffic.

It provides various marketing tools to enhance user experience including product reviews and email marketing.

Further, it also gives the users the option to provide discount codes and gift vouchers.

  • Mobile Ready

Access to websites has increased tremendously through mobiles compared to desktops. This makes it all the more important to create mobile-friendly websites.

Shopify caters to this need. It offers a variety of themes, providing the best experience to the users,

Its backend also ensures that the website has a prompt response. All customers can access this website easily with the app or on the browser.

Shopify is available for both Android and iPhone users.

  • Visually Appealing

The ambiance of a place is what attracts the customers. Similarly, aesthetic themes are what bring them to a website.

Before purchasing or even navigating the website, consumers often check the characters the site has to offer. They make a perception based on it.

Shopify understands that thought and offers tons of themes specially curated to suit your business type. Some of the most popular ones include envy, responsiveness, dawn, and expression.

If you are a newbie entrepreneur and are not sure of what might fit your needs, Shopify helps you out. It provides some suggestions of the themes for selling locally or internationally.

  • Multiple Languages

Every entrepreneur has the goal to reach the international market and sell their products globally. However, this becomes difficult as the languages and currencies change.

Well, we know who is there for the rescue!

Shopify provides its users the liberty to sell globally. It has over 20 different languages the consumer can choose from.

Let us face it, everybody likes to shop in their native language and would like to know the price in their currencies.

Converting the currencies manually can be a tedious job and the consumer might lose interest. The website is further equipped with the option to receive refunds in the native currency.


The aforementioned are some of the top reasons a user needs to know before getting a subscription to Shopify. There is a reason why thousands of people are relying on it for their online stores.

Shopify is constantly enhancing the user experience with its new and advanced features. In comparison to all the online platforms available, Shopify is the easiest to access and is certainly gaining popularity.

Get in touch with us

Entrepreneurs who wish to expand their business and gain advantages of marketing strategies can contact the leading Shopify website agency Digital Kangaroos.

Assisting websites locally and globally with web development and marketing solutions, we also help in building your Shopify e-commerce website.

E-commerce is the process of distributing and selling products or services digitally using the internet. It is a business environment...

E-commerce is the process of distributing and selling products or services digitally using the internet. It is a business environment that involves selling and buying or transferring money through the Internet.

E-commerce has now become one of the most effective digital marketing strategies for small or large businesses across the world because it has so many advantages when it comes to online selling and the promotion of products or services.

Why an E-Commerce Website?

There are many reasons, why an e-commerce website is important to online businesses. One of the most important reasons is that it allows you to reach out to more customers, and generate leads and clients. Since people nowadays prefer not to go out all the time, they tend to do online surfing and shopping or prefer to go to stores near them for other general day-to-day needs.

Creating a website or an online platform (store) will surely enhance brand awareness by helping you increase your online presence and attract more customers to your offerings. This helps in engaging with your existing customers, finding out what they want, and communicating in a better way with them. No matter where you are, you will also be able to keep in touch even when your customers are miles away from you which means that your bond with customers can continue without creating or adding up any additional costs.

Another benefit of an e-commerce website for an online business is that it enables you to start selling or buying products or services straight away. There is no such need for large amounts of capital or any other resources. Moreover, this kind of strategy will surely help small businesses to further grow their client base.

More opportunities can arise through an online platform or say e-commerce website, social media marketing, or apt optimization. The internet also allows online businesses to take advantage of this channel without having to spend too much or out-of-budget money. So, it is a great opportunity for online businesses to build their brand identity and spread their brand awareness.

They can use social media platforms and can also list their products on online marketplaces, or even create their own e-commerce website with product offerings at greatly reduced costs if compared with general or traditional methods.

Digital Kangaroos, a premier web development and digital marketing agency offers exclusive services in designing E-commerce websites for different businesses.

Given below are 5 reasons why having an e-commerce website is important for your online business:

1. E-commerce Helps Online Businesses to go Global and Help Customers Pursue Diversity

An e-commerce website allows a business to reach more and more customers for sales, generating leads, and marketing. In some cases, it can even help you to achieve rapid growth if the selling product over your online business is right.

A good way to do this is through online marketplaces where you can certainly sell your products or services. But of course, you will need a well-optimized and good website that precisely matches customer expectations and any other requirements so that you can get better results in terms of traffic and conversions which means an increased sales funnel.

2. It is Always Open to Customers

You don’t always have to worry about opening hours when you are digitally equipped with an e-commerce website because it is always open for its customers by providing them with products or services at any point of the day. Your main objective should be to build a brand or a concept that people can use easily and also whenever they need it most with the least possible hurdles to face.

Having an online website or online store provides 24/7 access to your products or services around the world so that potential customers can easily purchase your products anytime they want to. This allows businesses to increase their sales funnel by offering products or services at different prices in different time zones. It also increases accessibility which eventually results in an increased revenue.

3. It Helps to Establish and Strengthen Your Brand Identity

An e-commerce website truly lets you establish your own brand identity by merely showcasing your products to be sold. You can do this through any digitized pattern, whether pictures, videos, or text, or maybe through all of it.

The look and feel of all the digital patterns should be consistent with the message you are certainly sending out to attract the respective prospects so that they can stay on your site for longer periods of time.

Basically, e-commerce helps you to establish a brand identity or brand value for yourself on an online platform so that customers can know more about your brand or company’s offerings, products, and services and make it even easier for them to distinguish between different brands present online and purchase the desired product by themselves. This generates greater revenue and drives leads.

4. E-Commerce Website is Comparatively Easier & More Convenient

There’s no hassle or mess while purchasing online because users just need a device like a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone to access your website where they can surely browse products or services and place orders. With good payment options, it takes only seconds to complete the payment process and thus, purchase.

Adding to its advantages, it also provides secure and safe transactions without any spamming or other such things. An e-commerce store always provides ease of access to all your services or product categories providing several other options to choose from while allowing customers to pay conveniently through any of the online payment portals or platforms. This increases customer satisfaction which ultimately helps in growing revenue figures.

5. E-Commerce Offers Better and Digitalized marketing opportunities

An online store always allows digital marketers to create a buzz about their products by including Search engine optimization-friendly keywords, web copy, and images among other tactics which certainly generates greater exposure for the brand’s service or product line(s) helping all the companies to expand their brand and customer reach.

An e-commerce website for your online business is surely not like a regular one that you use to share information or communicate with your regular customers. It’s also an excellent online platform for marketing because it has all the access to information about online visitors or customers which ultimately helps you to promote other related products. This also allows you to increase the brand awareness.

Wrapping Up

So, it is time to go ahead and get an e-commerce website or platform for your online business in order to increase revenue numbers or sales funnel in the long run.

Setting up an e-commerce shop is easy enough for any brand or small business who further wants to expand its sales opportunities. Digital Kangaroos is just the most suitable place that can help you take your business online.

“Online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these...

Online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these channels come with a lot of limitations and restrictions.”

Going online is no big feat these days. Most of the small entrepreneurs choose to opt to sell on an e-retail giant rather than having their own website. Having a great online presence is a must in today’s scenario and things have geared up even more after the COVID-19 scenario.

Whether you choose to sell on a marketplace or your own website, each side has its own pros and cons. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy. Businesses who really want to grab a lion’s share on an online platform or are truly serious about expanding their business online should consider having their own website for sure.

 Yes, online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, and eBay can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these channels come with a lot of limitations. The general public has started to look beyond these options and even likes to purchase directly from the seller rather than the middleman.

Starting an online business can be intimidating but it’s worth spending your time, money, and resources on it. Have a look at how having your own eCommerce website is advantageous.

Personalized Communication

When you market your product across big retail giants or a global marketplace, there are thousands of similar brands competing for visibility on the same platform/s. The main advantage of having your own e-commerce website is that you can market your products directly to the customers.

People come to your website as they want to know more about you. Here, you have their email addresses and contact numbers. You can personalize their shopping experience by offering discounts, new launch offers, and other promotions.

Your Brand, Your Rules!

When a customer orders your product from the global marketplace, it reaches him with branding done by the marketplace.  Your brand gets minimal promotion or visibility. This, indeed, makes your brand weak.

Branding is of prime importance when you strive to build a brand both online and offline. Connect with a good e-commerce development agency near you and start your own brand that rules!

Your strategy, your branding, and your Profit!

Customer Loyalty and Retention

The lack of loyalty and presence of several competitors on a global E-commerce platform makes you hardly get a repeat customer. When you are selling from your own e-commerce platform, you can connect with the audience in a better way.

A more personal connection between you and the customer can be established as they get multiple ways to connect with you. Reach out to the best web development company in Ludhiana to know more about the nitty-gritty of the e-commerce business.

Run Creative Marketing Campaigns

Having your own website doesn’t mean that your audience would be coming flocking to you. You will have to fight tooth and nail to get shoppers to your website. You will need the right mix of SEO and other digital marketing strategies to build a strong online presence.

Work with the best e-commerce development company in Ludhiana to brainstorm some creative campaigns and discover what works best for you. You will be able to understand your audience in the best way through analytics and mould your strategies in a way that best works for your brand.

Use this data from the analytics to grow and reach your audience in a better way.

Cut the Middleman, 100% of sales revenue

With your own E-commerce website, you have complete business autonomy.

Working with a marketplace means paying fees, warehouse charges, seller rights, and transactional costs. The entire cost is to be borne by the seller. Amidst these complexities, the share of your profit is meager and the ROI is very low.

By having your own website, you are selling directly to your customers, and that too, with your own branding. This ensures faster query resolution. Apart from that, you can easily integrate the selling experience with social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Want to grow your online business? Or looking for the right ways to step into the online world?

Digital Kangaroos is one of the leading and best web development and digital marketing agencies in India offering 360-degree solutions to all your digital needs.

We, at Digital Kangaroos, are a team of young, energetic, and experienced professionals helping you realize all your digital and e-business needs. Feel free to call us at +919814820845 or connect with us at info@digitalkangaroos.com for the best digital solutions.