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“Get a hold of these trending web development trends and turn your digital space faster, interactive, dynamic, and productive!” Since...

Get a hold of these trending web development trends and turn your digital space faster, interactive, dynamic, and productive!”

Since the lockdown, we have seen a huge peak in the evolution of web development – most individuals are switching from offline practices and are smartly using internet services. You can either call it the demand of time or the way of living as a new norm.

Since the number of internet users will keep on accelerating in the future – developers are working on brand new technologies to resist the downfall.

For a bright future, content creators along with digital marketers and IT companies are following the trends that are eventually seen to be more effective than ever before. Let’s have a look.

Top 10 Web Development Trends

To make the learning process easier and more precise, we have organized an updated and useful list of technologies. With these, your websites can become faster, more interactive, dynamic, and productive. Let us dive deep to learn about the best web trends of 2023

Progressive Web Application

Instead of developing individual applications for respective websites – famous brands, companies, and internet sites have switched to progressive web applications that allow the user to add the website as an application to their device.

The overall experience of the website is similar to the mobile application that allows visitors to display the website best compatible with their mobile phone screens as well.

Famous websites such as Pinterest, Twitter, Alibaba, and Forbes have been using PWA trends and leaving magnificent effects on the audience.

Animated User Interface

In the era where web designing companies are highly focused on improving the user interface; motion technologies are the next attention seekers. The technology offers eye-catching animations and digital art that gives illusions of objects in motion. 

Usually, multimedia is included by using JavaScript and high-end technologies that increase the engagement of the visitors. Such relatable animations enhance the complete outlook of the web pages and add grace to the existing site.

Eventually, the SEO rating can be improved with the Motion UI interface as it provides fun and extra beauty to a webpage. The users usually don’t get bored when they browse such websites.

Chatbot Support Services

You must have seen a chat box at the bottom right side or top right on most web pages that pops up just like when you receive a text on your mobile phone.

An organization having reliable, direct, and quick customer support is more likely to be preferred by users than a firm with a slow help desk response. 

Chatbots are a great step forward to boost your business. In emergency cases, we can contact real human clients to ask queries and provide further contact details.

Responsive Websites

It is a fact that people use the internet a lot more on their mobile phones than on other devices such as personal computers, tablets, etc. Thus, web developers have come to a point where they must work on an interface that fits best for a mobile user. 

Mobile-friendly websites are flexible and perform better – and therefore should be properly taken care of from the Search Engine Optimization perspective as well.

Cloud Computing

Even though cloud computing has served users for many years, people still do not have the actual idea of how best they can make use of cloud networks. 

Web development is under the great influence of data storage and access from cloud networks. Now, when most people are working remotely – the advantages of cloud computing are highly visible in 2023.

Accelerated Mobile Web Pages (AWP)

Google developed a library namely Accelerated Web Pages or AMP for webpages that allows developers to make lightweight, smooth, and faster websites. The main advantage of AMP is to lower the bounce rate and enhance the user-interface experience.

Since the webpages with the AMP framework take less time to load – it helps in growing the organic audience that attracts repeated as well as new visitors. Mainly Javascript is the primary technology that smoothens the web service and polishes the page performance.

Websites with Accelerated Mobile Web pages are more likely to be ranked well than sites that do not utilize the bliss provided by Google.

Voice Search

Virtual audio assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google audio searches are already making our lives a lot easier. Now, look at the next level approaches that help people of all age groups utilize internet services just by speaking the RIGHT words. 

Voice search and smart speakers can take both web development and e-commerce markets to newer heights.

Dark Mode On

When a user lands on a webpage – your main motive must be to keep the reader stuck to the page. When the website is more about informative content – make sure to make the webpage interactive and captivating.

With Dark mode or white/ black trends, a user can switch the background colour or lights as per his needs. It provides a more customized and personal feel to the user.

Augmented Reality

With AI and IoT stepping inside the world of the internet – Augmented reality is a more advanced approach to utilize the technology at its best. It provides the user with an atmosphere that looks similar to the real one.

Many websites include AR on their landing page which gives the user an experience of the real-time presence of individuals. An organization that is tied up with augmented or virtual reality will grow more rapidly in upcoming times. 

Blockchain rules

People are moving more into investing in bitcoins or crypto-currency and hence blockchain technology goes side by side. With blockchain, a user who is into mining can ensure the transaction of digital money more securely. 

Each transaction is encrypted with unique keys and the sender’s digital signatures that make the network safe and trustworthy. Cybersecurity is another digital trend that goes well with crypto transactions and positively influences the web.

The Bottom Line

We have studied the various web development trends that can take the overall internet and customer experiences to a much better level. One must build up and invest in such programming skills and required proficiency.

Digital Kangaroos– a premier web development and digital marketing agency in Punjab offers support in various digital services so as to enhance the overall performance of web development. We use the latest technologies to enhance the user-interface relationship. Let’s co-create web space of your dreams. Call us today!

“Online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these...

Online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these channels come with a lot of limitations and restrictions.”

Going online is no big feat these days. Most of the small entrepreneurs choose to opt to sell on an e-retail giant rather than having their own website. Having a great online presence is a must in today’s scenario and things have geared up even more after the COVID-19 scenario.

Whether you choose to sell on a marketplace or your own website, each side has its own pros and cons. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy. Businesses who really want to grab a lion’s share on an online platform or are truly serious about expanding their business online should consider having their own website for sure.

 Yes, online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, and eBay can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these channels come with a lot of limitations. The general public has started to look beyond these options and even likes to purchase directly from the seller rather than the middleman.

Starting an online business can be intimidating but it’s worth spending your time, money, and resources on it. Have a look at how having your own eCommerce website is advantageous.

Personalized Communication

When you market your product across big retail giants or a global marketplace, there are thousands of similar brands competing for visibility on the same platform/s. The main advantage of having your own e-commerce website is that you can market your products directly to the customers.

People come to your website as they want to know more about you. Here, you have their email addresses and contact numbers. You can personalize their shopping experience by offering discounts, new launch offers, and other promotions.

Your Brand, Your Rules!

When a customer orders your product from the global marketplace, it reaches him with branding done by the marketplace.  Your brand gets minimal promotion or visibility. This, indeed, makes your brand weak.

Branding is of prime importance when you strive to build a brand both online and offline. Connect with a good e-commerce development agency near you and start your own brand that rules!

Your strategy, your branding, and your Profit!

Customer Loyalty and Retention

The lack of loyalty and presence of several competitors on a global E-commerce platform makes you hardly get a repeat customer. When you are selling from your own e-commerce platform, you can connect with the audience in a better way.

A more personal connection between you and the customer can be established as they get multiple ways to connect with you. Reach out to the best web development company in Ludhiana to know more about the nitty-gritty of the e-commerce business.

Run Creative Marketing Campaigns

Having your own website doesn’t mean that your audience would be coming flocking to you. You will have to fight tooth and nail to get shoppers to your website. You will need the right mix of SEO and other digital marketing strategies to build a strong online presence.

Work with the best e-commerce development company in Ludhiana to brainstorm some creative campaigns and discover what works best for you. You will be able to understand your audience in the best way through analytics and mould your strategies in a way that best works for your brand.

Use this data from the analytics to grow and reach your audience in a better way.

Cut the Middleman, 100% of sales revenue

With your own E-commerce website, you have complete business autonomy.

Working with a marketplace means paying fees, warehouse charges, seller rights, and transactional costs. The entire cost is to be borne by the seller. Amidst these complexities, the share of your profit is meager and the ROI is very low.

By having your own website, you are selling directly to your customers, and that too, with your own branding. This ensures faster query resolution. Apart from that, you can easily integrate the selling experience with social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Want to grow your online business? Or looking for the right ways to step into the online world?

Digital Kangaroos is one of the leading and best web development and digital marketing agencies in India offering 360-degree solutions to all your digital needs.

We, at Digital Kangaroos, are a team of young, energetic, and experienced professionals helping you realize all your digital and e-business needs. Feel free to call us at +919814820845 or connect with us at info@digitalkangaroos.com for the best digital solutions.

“A fancy website built without conversion rate optimization strategy is more like a car having no wheels – physically present...

A fancy website built without conversion rate optimization strategy is more like a car having no wheels – physically present but going nowhere!

Do you know you just have 0-8 seconds to impress your visitors?

96% of the visitors don’t make a purchase.

 A 1-second delay in load time can reduce your ROI by up to 7%.


Conversion of visitors to customers and leads is the key objective of every business, online or offline – big or small. However, the factors affecting the conversion rates are multitude. The best way to do this is to try and test what works best for you. But, in this competitive world, no one has that much time, budget, and resources because a single blip can rule you out from the competition. Digital Kangaroos- the best web development company in Punjab brings you some time-tested web development tips that will help you gain visibility, establish brand recognition, and of course boost conversion.   

Great Website Foundation

A fancy website built without a conversion rate optimization strategy is more like a car having no wheels – physically present but going nowhere. The same goes for the website. Your website needs a strong foundation along with rightly placed things for a great push. Here’s what you need for a solid foundation:

  • Professional Design

To make a dynamic impact in front of your customers, you need to tell them that you really care for them and are serious about your business. The golden way to do this is by giving a professional touch to your website and getting it designed by the best web development agency in Ludhiana.  

Make sure that your design is unique, professional, and eye-catching.

  • Update Regularly

Apart from design, make sure that your web development takes place on the latest programming languages, and frameworks and is fully secure. Keep updating your plugins, templates, and other software regularly so as to keep the hackers away. Add site security to make your website reliable and trustworthy.

  • Clean Design

A clean design ensures that your website is navigation-friendly. All your links, whether in the footer, navigation bar, or other service/product pages should be super easy to find. Don’t assume that the user will be digging deep to find the required thing. It isn’t a hide-and-seek game, it’s a clear business!

If your website is loading slowly or lacks impressive design, you’re going to lose your customers anyhow. Connect with the best web development company in Ludhiana to give a solid foundation to your website. 

Keep Search Engines Happy

Gone are the days when SEO was all about stuffing keywords. Now, it is more about the user’s search intent. The more you rank on relevancy parameters, the higher you will rank on SERPs. Keeping search engines happy, is keeping your visitors happy too! Here’s how you can do that.

Responsive design

Back in 2015, mobile search surpassed desktop search. Even in the latest 2021 algorithm updates, Google has made clear that only responsive or mobile-friendly web pages will be allowed to index. The intentions were made crystal clear when Google launched their mobile website tester. This test will allow the user to check and verify their websites for mobile devices.

Before giving a green signal to your website, make sure it passes this test. Any red flags should be sorted as soon as possible.

On-page SEO

It’s always worth taking out few hours and learning how to do SEO for your website. Well, off-page SEO may be left for the professionals but with some minor tweaks in your content, you can easily achieve an optimized page.  These simple and small changes will help you gain a better position on SERPs as compared to your competitors.

Listen to Your Customers

Your customers are your best advisors, listen to them. It’s always best to sit with them or call them for feedback. Use the analytics to learn how your clients interact with your website. The length of the page doesn’t matter. What matters the most is the engagement levels of your landing pages. Consult the best web development company near you for a quick review of your website and get an action plan designed if the values fall below the desired ones.

Eliminate Unnecessary Elements

Your web design is going great. You have left no stone unturned to make it engaging and alluring. But, there are certain elements that unintentionally hinder your conversion rates if you’re not careful. For example: your navigational bar may attract customers and hinder the conversion coming from the home/landing page. Most webpreneurs prefer either going for a single-page web design or just removing the navigation (menu) completely from their website.

 Adding elements such as unnecessary images and sign-up forms to your websites distract the visitors from clicking the call-to-action button, thereby, increasing the bounce rate.

Fear of Missing out

Your website must convey a sense of urgency to shoot up the conversion levels. Establishing FOMO or fear of missing out is a great place to start. People are more likely to buy services or products that make people feel at a loss when they don’t buy the available product/ service or avail of the offer. Hubspot reported that using a red CTA button increases the conversion by 21%. Additionally, using timers on the website persuades the visitors to make a decision immediately. 

Key Takeaway – Never Stop Improving

Even though there are a plethora of adjustments that you need to make to skyrocket your conversion rate, it may be difficult to draw conclusions too early. Audiences may respond to different changes differently. Keep testing and improving to understand what works best for your audience. And don’t forget that your web analytics is your Excalibur that helps you fight through every situation. 

Still confused about optimizing strategy? Looking for the best web development agency in Punjab to step into the online world?

We at Digital Kangaroos– the best web development and digital marketing company in Ludhiana/Punjab, are working round the clock to deliver the best digital solutions for all your business needs.

Search Engine Optimization is all set to witness a major blow in March 2021 with Google’s major algorithm update on...

Search Engine Optimization is all set to witness a major blow in March 2021 with Google’s major algorithm update on mobile-first indexing. Find out more on how to deal with this major update and secure your position.

 John Muller, Search Advocate at Google, threw a major blow on webmasters when he confirmed that all desktop sites would be completely dropped from the Google index from March 2023. Only mobile versions of the websites would be indexed and ranked.

Desktop users will be redirected to m-dot (mobile) versions of the website by default. Muller’s statement also shared that apart from desktop sites, all the images and other assets of the desktop version of the website will also be dropped from the search giant’s index entirely.

Though mobile-first indexing has been there for quite some time then why this hype now?

 Any website coming live after July 2019 uses the mobile version for indexing rather than the desktop version. This meant that the mobile version was preferred for indexing and ranking over the desktop one.

What’s new?

But now, things are going to change. As a webpreneur, you have no alternative than to bow to fate with this new update rolling over the coming March. Now, you have to prepare your website to comply with new updates i.e. get your website optimized for mobile.

Here are a few mobile-first practices that you need to implement/follow to ensure smooth sailing through the next quarter.

Responsive Web Design

If your website is not having a responsive web design, then you don’t have a choice but to implement it right now. Contact the best web design and development company in your area and optimize your website for mobiles and other smart devices to bypass the breach. A responsive template ensures that your website stays similar irrespective of the device screen size.

Another advantage of having a responsive web template is that you don’t have to create different versions of your website for different devices.

Accessible by Googlebot

You need to ensure that Googlebot (Google’s web crawling software) can access your content and render it. If you are not using a responsive web design, then you should have separate URLs for your desktop and mobile website. Also, ensure that the disallow directive does not block the URLs.

Use identical meta robot tags for desktop and mobile versions of your website the crawler shall not crawl and index your page in case of any mismatch.

Totally avoid ‘lazy loading’ for your primary content. Lazy loading means deferring the content loading that is not critical or visible. Googlebot would not crawl any content that requires any kind of human intervention such as clicking or typing.

Similar UX Across all Platforms

Whether your user is viewing the website from a desktop or any mobile device, user experience should be similar in all aspects. The content should be the same in all the versions of the website. Keep your H1, H2, and other heading tags consistent and appealing.  Additionally, analyze your structured data and update it as per requirement.

Ad Placements

Ads can make or break your business. Improper placing of ads can hamper your mobile rankings. To know more regarding ad placements, read the Better Ads Standard for the best user experience.

Read MoreHow Hacking and Poor Web Design Negatively Impacts SEO?

Focus On Your Visual Content

When it comes to visual content such as images, videos, etc., each one has its own best practices to follow. 

For images, providing high-resolution pictures with mobile-supported formats is inevitable. Include images that are high-quality and don’t shrink (or, look too small) when viewed on small screens. The same applies to videos as well. The videos should be placed appropriately on the page as placing them too far down the page would force users to scroll unnecessarily.

For all visual components, avoid using dynamic URLs because if the URLs keep changing, Google won’t be able to process these components correctly for mobile-first indexing.

Final Words

Things are evolving rapidly and so is the digital escape. People nowadays prefer handheld devices for accessing the internet rather than using a desktop or even a laptop. The primary reason is the convenience and ease offered by mobile phones.

Google always keeps user experience as its foremost priority. Their decision to solely prefer mobile-first indexing is a brilliant way to show how Google cares for us and how much we rely on mobile phones.

Is your website not optimized for mobiles? Then it’s the right time to do it.

We at Digital Kangaroos, the top-rated and best web development and digital marketing company, are here to take your business to the online world and make you visible. Our extraordinary and out-of-the-box thinking strategy helps you emerge as a brand and get an instant revenue boost. Contact us today!

“Absence of web-security directly impacts the website’s organic performance. A poorly designed website deters the SEO rankings.” If you are...

“Absence of web-security directly impacts the website’s organic performance. A poorly designed website deters the SEO rankings.”

If you are curating a digital marketing roadmap, then firstly, ensure that your website is fully secure to any unauthorized access. It’s natural that most of the webpreneurs go complacent in terms of site security.

Rather than blaming the IT department, you must follow certain cyber-security practices in your SEO drive. Your website’s organic performance is deeply hampered if it is either poorly designed or lacks security.

Read MoreHow web design and SEO are closely linked?

In this post, we’ll gain a deeper insight into why you cannot afford to ignore web-security before channelizing your digital marketing plans.

So, let’s start connecting the dots!

Firstly understand, what is Hacking and how it affects SEO?

Hacking is basically an authentication breach that allows unauthorized/illegal access to a website or a computer network. Hackers aim to access the sensitive/private information of the web-owners and visitors. They even redirect the users to their website that’s akin to the original.

How Hackers Affect the Website?

Malware and spamming are two major tools used by hackers to disrupt the compromised website. Where Malware is indented for a data-breach, spamming is done by adding a hypertext and is used for redirection.

A spammed web-link takes the user to hacker’s website, thereby, boosting its traffic and SEO rankings of the hacker unethically. A poorly designed website makes the website easy to hack and is easily compromised.

How Hacking affects SEO?

If you are witnessing a significant drop in your rankings/traffic despite the best digital marketing techniques, then there must be a catch.  The corollaries may be far-reaching and disruptive.

  • SEO Spam

According to GoDaddy, around 73% of the total websites hacked were due to SEO Spam. SEO spam is done mainly on the authority websites that have good rankings and visibility. Here the websites are turned into link farms.

The visitors are tricked using malware or phishing links. Sometimes, the entire website is scraped using SQL injections. This ultimately makes the recovery even more difficult.

  • Malicious Code

Your overall organic traffic will be affected if your website gets bugged with malicious code. This code can be detected by Google and can put your website on-stake if sensed.

A warning message will be displayed by Google when users try to navigate the website. Henceforth, it tells the users to stay away. If no action is taken by web-owner, the website could eventually be removed from the SERPs.

Are Google New Core Updates Negatively Impacting Your Rankings? Here’s What You Can Do.

Google does that to safeguard its users from diving into the sandbox. This action by Google impacts SEO directly as well as indirectly. The metrics such as page per session, bounce rate and time on site are negatively impacted.

In fact, a deep sense of mistrust will prevail amongst the visitors which will significantly affect the bottom line.  

  • Unplanned Redirects

Most often, the hacker plants a redirection on CTA buttons. This makes the user visit another look-alike website. The content may be designed to fetch sensitive information from the user.

If Google bots find the redirection, the SEO rankings are hurt severely in terms of visibility.

  • Backlinks and Blacklisting

Search Engine bots assess the value of links and domains that link with the main website. When a website is hacked, the links that are added to it are of low value/authority. This seriously impacts the SEO efforts.

The ramifications of hacking do not stop here. Google may flag a hacked site or may blacklist a website for containing malware. This seriously hampers SERP rankings, visibility and revenue as well.

Read MoreWhy Ranking High on Google is a key to Make Money Online?

How to prevent your SEO efforts from going detrimental by hacking?

Here are a few tips that would help you stay away from hacking.

  • Design it from a Professional

Get your website designed by a professional. An experienced web designer knows the complete nitty-gritty of web designing. Your website would not only be as per the latest trends but would be fully secure and comply with web-standards as well.

Read More10 Viral Trends that are reshaping the Dynamics of Web Development

  • Don’t Install Plugins from Untrusted Sources

You may need to install plugins for your WordPress or other CMS website. But, installing from unknown or untrusted sources may increase the chance of the site being compromised.

Always install updated plugins or other tools from trusted websites (such as those with HTTPs or green padlock). Take the reviews and ratings into consideration before installation.

  • Server Sharing

If you are hosting your website on a shared server, then you must be extra careful. The hackers may upload some malicious files on the server to get access or perform a breach.

  • Strong Passwords and Penetration Testing

Make your passwords very strong and make them extremely difficult to guess. Make sure that you not becoming a victim of shoulder surfing. Professionals perform penetration testing to analyze and pull out all the stops related to web security.

Top 20 SEO Hacks You Can’t Afford To Ignore In Today’s Time


While designing a website make sure to give it in safe hands. Digital Kangaroos- the best digital marketing company in North India offers a 360-degree solution to all your web needs. From digital marketing to web development, from SEO to social media marketing, get in touch with us for best-in-class e-solutions.

Call us at +919814820845 or drop your queries at info@digitalkangaroos.com for best and affordable digital solutions.

In today’s time, you need to stay updated to maintain your visibility and sustainability in the e-world. The traditional web...

In today’s time, you need to stay updated to maintain your visibility and sustainability in the e-world. The traditional web development no longer holds the scope in the modern era. Apart from info-graphics, HTML5, embedding videos and responsive designs, there are a number of web viral trends that need to be taken care of. Here are some latest and viral web-development trends that are disrupting the web-development landscape.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Most of the leading websites, when searched on mobiles using Google, have a small lightning bolt (⚡) symbol next to them). This symbol means that the websites are fast loading. The pages of the website would load at a blink of an eye as compared to other websites.  These are called AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages. The AMP was introduced by Google in October 2015 and received an overwhelming response from all the major websites such as Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and WordPress.  If your website is AMP compatible, then it will rank better in the search engines also.

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Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Progressive Web Apps eliminate the cross-platform issues faced by the netizens. Most of the users faced problems while accessing the same information that is available on the website to that on the mobile app. The PWA technology combines the best features of the website and gets them converted into an app-like feature for rich user experience. With PWA enabled website, the users won’t be able to differentiate between an app and the website.

PWA enables the website to be accessed in offline mode as well. Hence, boosting the overall performance delivers a staggering app-like experience.

Why Ranking High on Google is a key to Make Money Online?

Single-Page Website

As the name suggests, the entire website is designed into a single HTML page. When the user clicks on any navigation or menu option, the focus gets shifted to that section. This means rather than loading a new fresh page, the information is displayed right on the home page. 

Most of the designs and templates of single-page websites use Ajax, CSS3, jQuery and advanced JavaScript.

Are SEO And Web Design Closely Interlinked With Each Other?

Website Push Notifications

Similar to app notifications on mobile devices, website push notifications notify the users working on a website from his desktop or mobile device. The notifications are sent even when the website/browser is closed. The notification area on the user’s device displays all the related notifications. The main advantage is that all the users who have subscribed to the website can remain updated regarding the updates sent by the website.

Flash to HTML5

There was a time when the flash enabled websites were gaining popularity. But, there were many flaws and limitations associated with using flash and the most common one was platform dependence. With the inception of HTML5, things started changing. The robust features offered by HTML5 eliminated all the limitations of Flash. Now the websites could be easily tracked and optimized for delivering better user experience. Apart from UX, HTML5 also strengthened the security aspects.

Multilingual Websites

According to a renowned blogger, Neil Patel, his web traffic got boosted by 47% after starting a multilingual blog that supported approximately 82 languages. A website that supports content in multiple languages is called a multilingual website. By having one such website, new opportunities are unveiled across the globe. Now people from various backgrounds can explore your website. Contact your digital marketing associate for more options on how to start a multilingual website.

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Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Most of the upcoming websites that are used to search nearby banks, schools, restaurants, café, etc use this technology. It is usually done using the Smartphone’s camera. Using AR technology, a user can superimpose a computer-generated image in the real world. This accelerates accurate local searches. The game Pokemon Go is a perfect example of Augmented Reality.

 Virtual reality or VR is an entirely different concept as compared to VR. Here there is no connection with the physical world. The virtual world is presented in such a manner to make it feel like a real world.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

You would have seen that most of the websites listing products and services have chatbots embedded in their websites. These smart and AI-powered chatbots are the first point of contact for the customers. Webprenures have been optimizing their websites for making them compatible with smart assistants such as Amazon Echo and Google Home.  

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Cloud Computing

Traditionally, all the data, hardware, software and other applications were stored in the on-premise devices or companies. This increased the infrastructural cost of the companies. So, to avoid all this, cloud-based services were born. Using cloud-services the users need not buy expensive software or hardware. Rather, they just need an internet connection and an internet-enabled device. The cloud services are web-based and can be accessed 24/7 and remotely as well.

The users don’t need to worry about backup solutions, database processing, data storage, installing office suites, etc. All the updates are automatically handled by cloud operators. The user just needs to take monthly subscriptions and can, in fact, upscale or downscale the subscription as per usage and requirement.

Winding Up

You need to stay in the competition and strive for excellence to survive and sustain in the e-world. So, it becomes very important to showcase an extraordinary presence in the digital world. Take your website to new levels, by these incredible web-development trends. 

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Digital Kangaroos is one of the pioneering web development and digital marketing solutions provider in India. Our technical and marketing team delivers top-notch solutions for all your e-needs. Stay updated with us and avail our best-in-class digital services at a 20% discount from the market prices. Contact us at +91 9814820845 or write to us at info@digitalkangaroos.com.