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‘Content is King’ is an extremely popular phrase and it is right in all aspects. Especially in the marketing industry,...

‘Content is King’ is an extremely popular phrase and it is right in all aspects. Especially in the marketing industry, content is regarded as the supreme power. Content is the medium to connect with the customers.

Great content is extremely substantial to reach new heights in the marketing industry. The better the content, the more people are attracted to it. There are various Content Marketing Services Online that could help in a successful brand creation.

Here is why content is really the king in a present-day scenario:


The right content will improve the connection with the customers. There would be the creation of a good brand reputation and trust. This would eventually lead to more customers. This would also keep the existing customers quite happy.

When you give the customers the content that they think is significant, there is a better understanding between the brand and the customers. This would lead to constant support from the customers.


Content will transform the brand into a credible one. It will gain the admiration and trust of the people. More and more people will come to know about the brand and will start identifying it with the passage of time. The target audience can be pleased with the content.

However, this is not an overnight process. It requires consistent efforts.


Influencer marketing relies on content marketing. When a brand connects with certain influencers from social media platforms, it can reach a vast audience. Associating with influencers will give brands a boost since they have a steadfast audience. As a result, if they promote some product or brand, their followers will have a belief in it immediately.

Even before social media came into existence, brands used to tie the knot with public figures or celebrities to give their brand a certain boost.


It helps in creating awareness among the customers. You need to prove to your customers why they should stick to the brand and what they are going to learn after investing in it. The queries regarding the brand should be answered to give the customers a much clearer vision. They should be told why your brand is the best and stands out in the competition.


A brand lacking comprehensive content will lack uniqueness. There would be nothing for the brand to offer except its services and products. Content offers a certain edge to the brand and helps in cutting out competition. Study the content of your competition and its targeted audience. You should follow things that your competitors have not paid heed to.

This would surely provide your brand with a distinctive touch.


There are diverse fields where content is at its peak. These include video streaming, podcasts, and visual search. Content is used extensively in all these fields. It has emerged as a comprehensive branding tool. Various Digital Marketing Services Online know the importance of content in achieving success.


Content can help in saving your bucks. With the help of content marketing, there would be an escalation in traffic which would help increase sales.

However, this process requires a lot of patience. Spending about 7 to 8 hours a week on the creation of content can increase the traffic. Focus on the content that affects the target audience to maximize the results. Thus, content is undoubtedly the king in every field. Talking about social media platforms or digital marketing, content is quite significant for success in brand creation. Design and visuals are important but its creation with killer content will make the brand more successful.

SEO is quite a controversial topic regarding which many individuals exercise different opinions. There are a plethora of SEO myths...

SEO is quite a controversial topic regarding which many individuals exercise different opinions. There are a plethora of SEO myths that we hear in our day-to-day lives that need to be exposed and addressed effectively. People still need to be made aware of how search engines work.

Here are some reasons why a lot of people have a belief in SEO myths:


The repetition of SEO myths makes them seem quite believable. They are often shared on various platforms which include social media, presentations at multiple conferences, blogs, and a lot of other places as well.

However, one should not argue if myths are encountered. Instead, awareness should be created among people. The queries of people concerned with the myths should be cleared hence making them aware of them. People should be showered with enough proof so that their vision becomes crystal clear.


People view SEO as free traffic. It is often noticed that the too-real-to-be-true answers come out to be SEO basics. Such answers can ironically cause harm to the clients.

Precautions should be taken before implementing such answers otherwise they would cost a lot. In some cases, SEO would bring forward an inappropriate search from a long time ago. Implementing such a result can produce unwanted effects. You should stick to the most recent search results.


There is a plethora of information in the form of articles, documents, guides, eBooks, podcasts, and on and on. In other words, there is an overload of information. This overload ironically causes misinformation rather than information. To counter this flaw one should stick to communication. This would prevent the messing of results. Credible sources should be followed.


There is a spontaneous belief among people that whatever ranks high on Google is credible. People generally go for the top search results. Google does not always give a high ranking to correct answers. There is a lack of accuracy. Thus, there is a strict need to filter every speck of information. The sources should be thoroughly checked if some context has been morphed or not.


The information should be gathered and processed before taking any kind of action in order to do the best for the brand or business. Everything should be examined from head to toe in order to be on the safer side.

You should question everything. Experience and knowledge should be used to have a good perspective of things. The best possible results should only be focused on. One should be blunt while dealing with stuff.


There are a few sources on the internet that provide erroneous and misleading information. There should be a production of only legitimate information. The misinformation can cause problems for clients.

Many authors go with writing wrong stuff which turns out to be of no help to the customers. Reputable publishing sites generally admit their mistakes and correct them whereas the irresponsible ones tend to ignore them. Two or three verified sources should be checked that are extremely trustworthy.


It is regarded as the best practice in the field of e-commerce. However, SEO lags behind in other fields such as news and enterprise. Some SEO practices that are regarded as the best could eventually turn out to be the worst for other websites. There is an unavoidable variation. In order to resolve the myths associated with SEO, an educational approach has to be followed. Broader aspects have to be evaluated especially about how things work. The misunderstandings should be cleared at any cost. You can follow Digital Kangaroos for more information.

How to increase traffic on your blogs? Working hard on writing a blog is quite a commendable task in itself....

How to increase traffic on your blogs?

Working hard on writing a blog is quite a commendable task in itself. It takes a lot of effort and time to write an article about some specific topic. However, one should also be serious regarding traffic generation otherwise all the toil would go in vain.

A smaller amount of people reading the blogs would slump the traffic. As a consequence, it would decrease the importance of the blog. An increase in traffic would lead to increased opportunities. For generating large and qualified traffic there are a few things that are to be kept in mind. There are various Online Services in Web Development that can help in traffic generation.

Here are 5 steps you can take to increase your blog traffic:


The traffic with respect to the blog could be simply increased by appreciating good content. Content is often referred to as the king. But the reality is that content quality is not the only deciding factor for enhanced blog traffic. A proper strategy has to be followed. The perspective of the audience has to be kept in mind. In other words, it should meet the expectations of the reader. You should stick to the subject and write what people would like to share and appreciate.

Writing evergreen content (content that stays forever on the web) is a good tactic to promote traffic. Also working on the headline could also prove to be an effective step to generate more traffic.


Keywords are a must when it comes to attracting traffic. There should be no hesitation while using them in your blog. By doing so, the targeted audience could be bought into immediate attention. The keyword related to the context should only be used.

More emphasis should be given to the long tail keywords (keywords with 2 or 3 words). There is less competition for them on the internet. Keywords that drive the highest volume of traffic should be added.


People should be encouraged to share their blogs. Social media platforms should be used as a medium to gain more viewers. Search engines would also get a subtle signal about the popularity of your blog.

Google Analytics could be used to find out the particular sites that drive the most amount of traffic. The comments on the blogs should be paid attention to and treated as feedback. Comments and user engagement should be openly welcomed.


Fresh content is vital to bring a good amount of traffic to your blog. It would help one to focus on quality rather than quantity. Most up-to-date and valid information should only be used when working on a blog. Fresh content is filtered by Google and the blog can come in the top search results. As a result, the blog would be strengthened.


The size of the blog also plays a pivotal role. Long-form content generally means posting content with a high word count and great depth in relation to a particular topic.

Long-form content can help with more usage of keywords and in depth nature would help in solving the queries of the reader. However, the length of the blog should not be overdone. Quality should be prioritized over quantity any day. One should stick to all the above-given strategies to get some new visitors to your blog. You should be consistent with regard to using the strategies. These strategies are quite effective. Also, one should not forget the importance of quality. Only the Best Digital Marketing Services should be availed for blogs.

In today’s world, a website is as important as setting up an offline business or can be even more important. Website...

In today’s world, a website is as important as setting up an offline business or can be even more important. Website development has been a part of business lifestyles nowadays. To grab the attention of clients, build clientele, generate leads, and boost the sales funnel for your business, it is important to create a website.

While creating a website, there are many viable considerations that one should keep in mind. From selecting a domain and host to coding integrity to UI/UX to graphics to content, it is all-important to take care of and work accordingly.

Website building is no longer a naïve job and if one cannot build a proper website, then the business or client should contact the expert to curb the situation. 10 things that are a must while developing a website are as follows:

Selecting a Domain and Host

It is the most crucial stage of building a website. Before choosing the domain or host, it is important to know the vitality of your business, to know the nature of your business, and to select the website template or host of the domain according to the respective needs.

One needs to take care that the domain name should reflect the brand’s identity and tell exactly what your brand or business is all about.

  • Strategized design of the Website

While choosing the template for a website or setting the coding integrity for the website template, it is important to keep the design simple, secure, and sufficiently appealing for the customer, brands, and businesses.

There should not be large or distracting graphics or unusual images that might create a visual mess for the beholder and disrupt the brand identity, crawling, and more.

To rank better on the SERP or Google index, it is important to keep the content as a priority. Content should always reflect the brand and tell exactly what your business is all about.

One can easily connect the brand to the customers if one is able to create a connection with emotions. It is to take note to create a predictable, firm, and clear content strategy and follow it all throughout the development procedure.

  • Graphic Orientation

Large images and unusual pixelation should not be added to the websites. Graphics are part of the user interface. Large images always disrupt the crawlability and this creates not so good identity for the brand.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a must for any website. It not only helps in indexing your website on Google but also develops the authenticity and elevates the rank of your website. A nicely optimized website helps attract customers and makes it easy for the customers to reach out to your brand.

  • CTA (Call to Action)

No matter what your brand or business is about, it is important to focus on the call to action. It not only adds value to your website but also generates a good range of leads and helps increase the sales funnel.

  • Security of Website

We all are aware of the recently increased cyber attacks and data storage peaking. In such cases, it is important to register and get the SSL certificates for your site. This helps your site to be secure and safe and helps it to get rid of the chances of getting affected by the cyber-attack.

  • Branding

Along with choosing the right domain name, it is vital to choose the right name for your business and create a relevant logo. Branding is a part of communication that directly connects the brand with customers and drives relevant customer traffic.

  • Mobile Web

While creating a website, one must not forget to create a mobile-friendly website. Mobile web users are more in ratio as compared to desktop web users.

Hence, it is more important to create a website that is effective for both mobile and other web users and creates possibilities for reaching every single potential customer.

  • Adding Social Proof

Building a website is not something where the potential stops. Adding social media platforms is also a must-to-know process and a must-to-add website feature. By adding social media, one can reach potential customers and garner good sales. Building a website is the most important part of building a business and creating a brand online. Proper branding can only be done with a good, firm, clear, authentic, safe, and secure website. Hence, one must keep the above-mentioned things in consideration to build an effective website and work on the business to raise it to a brand. You can avail of eminent quality services in Website development from WordPress Development Companies or contact us for more information.

“Whether you’re into an online business or run a brick-and-mortar store, you need the right digital marketing strategy to garner...

Whether you’re into an online business or run a brick-and-mortar store, you need the right digital marketing strategy to garner visibility, brand recognition and boost sales.”

The upheaval caused by COVID-19 was catastrophic for many businesses, many companies had to shut and life came to a standstill.

But, every cloud has a silver lining!

Digital marketing gave the businesses a golden opportunity to survive and hit the ground running again with a much broader scope and prospects.

And the best part is that digital marketing is way more pocket-friendly than traditional marketing with a 100% strike rate if done in the right way.

For digital marketing to work, you need to get the strategy right as your marketing endeavors would strike null and void if you don’t know whether you’re driving in the right direction or not.

Keep reading to unveil the best digital marketing strategiesfor your small business (online or offline) and how to create them right.

What is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy or plan is a framework of data-driven techniques that are formulated as per your marketing goals, preferred online channels, and budget for digital campaigns.

Online Marketing Strategieshelp you eliminate any possibilities of distractions or errors and allow you to completely focus on achieving your goals. With the right blend of digital marketing tactics, you can widen your visibility, and brand recognition and boost lead generation at a low cost.

Here are some tried and tested digital marketing strategies that help you lay the foundation for a strong and impactful digital marketing campaign.

Invest in quality mobile Websites

In today’s scenario, it’s imperative to have a strong web presence, and having a high-quality mobile-optimized website is critical in achieving this.

High quality means proper attention to speed, user interface, design, security, and rich user experience.

You need to have a website that does not sell brands or products but sells solutions.

Always remember that it’s your approach that will help you stand above the rest.

Get your website designed by a professional web development company that can help you strike a difference.

Interactive Social Media Presence

Social media is one of the biggest assets that you can leverage in your digital marketing endeavors. Most people acknowledge this fact but overlook it during those busy days or “season time”.

Make sure that you keep posting regularly on your social media handles to keep it fresh. This is the key to sustaining your social media presence. Create catchy posts that aim for audience engagement and encourage following.

 Want to know more about how to effectively draft a social media campaign for your business; reach out to the best digital marketing agency in Punjab for better guidance. Online Reputation Management Campaigns

To present a positive picture to your clients you need to make sure that your internet reputation is positive and favorable.  Apart from social media profiles, make sure to register and manage your business on review websites such as Google Maps, Yelp, etc.

Word-of-mouth marketing is still considered to be one of the most influential marketing strategies of all time. Customer reviews, testimonials, and feedback serve as your referrals. In case you receive any bad or negative feedback, make sure to address the concern immediately and work on it to resolve the issue.

It’s vital to have good reviews and high ratings as people normally have a tendency to select a high-performing business over a normal one.


After having set up your website and social media profiles, the next step is to use paid advertising campaigns to increase the footfall and visitor count on your digital platforms. After you’ve identified your potential customers, go for remarketing campaigns by Google Ads and Facebook Ads for effective lead generation. 

Google My Business Profile

Google My Business is one of the best and most free services offered by Google to create a better local presence. It helps to genuinely authenticate your business and the information gets displayed on Google Maps.

Update your profile properly as it helps the users to know your location, opening hours, your offerings, photos, etc. 

Seamless Buyer’s Journey

The best way to analyze the buyer’s journey is through Google Analytics. It helps you to understand the demographics and capture other metadata regarding the website traffic. A careful analysis of these metrics helps you identify your potential audience such as from which country the audience is coming, age group, interests, time spent on pages, bounce rate, etc.

Based on these metrics, you can work over your existing online marketing strategiesand refine them to capture more leads.

Digital Kangaroos –Transforming your Digital Marketing Capabilities

Looking to set up an appealing website that generates leads?

Or, want to set up an Instagram campaign that drives results?

Reach out to Digital Kangaroos- the best web development and digital marketing agency in Ludhiana. Our passion for excellence and zest to conquer the digital world makes us stand unrivaled in the e-world.

Let’s work together and plan out the best Digital marketing strategy that drives results and fulfills all your goals. Our team of experienced digital marketing experts has the right skills to ensure the success of your small business online. Connect with us today!

Losing out on sales conversions despite having an impeccable e-commerce website? Read the post to find out how high-quality product...

Losing out on sales conversions despite having an impeccable e-commerce website? Read the post to find out how high-quality product photography and videography could help you change the stats.

Product photography and videography play a crucial part in your business when you are trying to convince people to buy your products and services.

These things become a game-changer when it comes to online shopping and eCommerce.

As more and more people are becoming tech-savvy, online shopping rates and online shoppers keep on climbing with each passing day.

These numbers are expected to hit the 500M figure by 2030. Just a single click and the thing reaches your doorstep at an unmatched price.

The eCommerce has witnessed a significant boost post-pandemic as online shopping turned out to be much more secure, time-efficient and budget-friendly. This has dramatically led to a rise in independent eCommerce websites and has been performing incredibly well.

But, having an eCommerce website and stuffing your products in it will not suffice. If your eCommerce website is not working despite all your digital marketing efforts, then you’re not including 360-degree product photography for your products. 

 The Power of Industrial Photography

Whether you are selling on major retail e-commerce giants such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc., or your own commerce portal,  the power of photographs is undeniable.

 A 360-degree photoshoot of your products/services helps you make a difference between losing the customer and making a sale. 

In fact, the customers look at the product photographs even before looking at the content or product description. So,  you need to make sure to cast that first impression well.

Industrial Photography is a skill that needs a professional touch!

Have a look at why going for a professional product photoshoot is important for your business. 

1. Brand Building 

Product photography or videography is a long-term investment that will help you hatch bigger plans and reap amazing benefits down the line. 

Sharing professionally shot images and pictures on e-commerce portals or social media platforms helps you gain recognition as a true business leader. 

These photographs help you place your brand and business as valued, professional, diverse, customer-driven and innovative. Customers believe that your business really cares for them and this turns them into loyal customers. 

2. Images speak louder than text

When it comes to the digital world, netizens have a lesser attention span as well as less patience to read the product description.

They are more concerned about the image. Only if the image grabs the attention, they are bothered about the product description else they move ahead to the next option.

 This makes professional photographs even more crucial for a powerful and impactful presence in the e-world. Professional product photography is definitely a head-turner for your business that promotes silent communication. 

3. Set the right expectations 

According to research around 22% of products are returned at various online sites because the products received don’t look similar to the one ordered. 

It’s easy to convince people to buy from a brick-and-mortar store as people can physically see and touch the product but with online stores, people just have one connection- PHOTOS!

360-degree product photography Ludhiana helps to set the right expectations and reduce the product return rate. 

It also grabs the customers’ mood and helps them understand how the given product can be helpful in solving their problems.

4. Keeps competitors away

Professional photography and videography are the best way to outpace your competitors. It gives you a way to prove your mettle and stay unrivaled by allowing you to talk with your photographs. 

Digital Kangaroos– Your one-stop destination for industrial photography and videography  Your search for the best professional Product videographer near me ends here!

Invest in professional product photography with Digital Kangaroos today and feel the difference in your sales right from  Get high-quality and professional photos that grab attention! Call us today to know more.

Still struggling to get positive results from digital marketing? Follow these strategies to get the game right and effective! It...

Still struggling to get positive results from digital marketing? Follow these strategies to get the game right and effective!

It has been seen that most of the companies spend around 7-10% of their revenue on marketing out of which digital marketing should grab the lion’s share. But, expecting a good turnover by spending less than a third of the total marketing budget is not going to make a significant difference.

After all what matters is your visibility and lead generation. There are a plethora of leads looking for your business and investing money in the right direction will not only help you grab those valuable leads but also give a push to your revenue.

While setting up your digital marketing budget, you just need to follow a simple 70-20-10 rule which states:

NOW: Spend 70% of the budget on the strategies that are actually working for your business.
NEXT: Spend 20% of the budget on the technologies or business strategies that are on the horizon and trending.
NEW: Keep the remaining 10% for trying new or upcoming things in digital marketing that are worth taking risks.

Now let’s discuss the top-rated four digital marketing methods and their budget allocation for your 2022 marketing endeavors.


Without a thought, Search Engine Optimization is one of the best strategies to look for to boost your organic rankings, visibility, and brand recognition. It helps you crack your potential leads and increase footfall.

Here’s what to look for NOW, NEXT, and NEW for SEO.

Target long-tail keywordsOptimize for Voice SearchImage search
SEO-friendly contentPinterest  postingsGoogle Lens
Responsive design  

2.      PPC (Pay per click)

PPC is a paid advertising and promotional strategy that helps you reach qualified leads who are interested in your products and services. PPC makes your ad appear on the top of SERP results before the beginning of the organic results.

How to Optimize for NOW, NEXT, and NEW?

For NOW, focus more on researching the right keywords as it’s these keywords that’ll help you boost your traffic footfall and ensure that you’re driving the right results.

For NEXT, look beyond Google! There are many other companies and websites that are offering PPC such as Facebook, Amazon, etc. Connect with the best digital marketing company near you for the right approach.

For NEW, there are many upcoming unique search strategies such as search by product, image or UPC code. Dedicate some effort to mould your PPC ads to fit these future aspects.

3.      Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective and conversion-friendly digital marketing strategies to invest in 2022. It helps you directly connect with your leads who are interested in your business and want to hear from you.

How to optimize email marketing for NOW?

Don’t draft common content for all your subscribers or audience. To get the best response, it is better to segment your audience based on their likes and dislikes. Now, trigger the emails that are curated as per their individual preferences.

This will help the audience connect with you in a better way.

Optimizing for NEXT:

Rather than focusing on tracking the opening rate of your emails, it would be better to concentrate on efforts that actually impact your bottom line. These include open online transactions, how many carts are abandoned etc.

Optimizing for NEW:

Focus towards personalization using Artificial Intelligence. Think of methods that help to understand the user preferences and trigger one-on-one personalized emails.

E-commerce Marketing

 E-commerce is not going to slow down! It’s the future.

If you still haven’t jumped on this bandwagon, it’s high time to do so.

Optimizing e-commerce for NOW means finding places where you can sell, learning how to sell, and understanding the importance of having your own personalized commerce platform.

 For NEXT, work on having your own e-commerce website as it helps you save a lot on seller fees that are charged by major e-commerce retail giants such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc. You can work on your own SEO, and PPC campaigns to bring your rankings up.  

Optimizing for NEW:

<>Launch Google shopping ads

<>Marketing automation, streamlining ROI

<>Photo SEO

<>Improvise website in SEO, page speed, user experience

If you don’t have time for all this, it’s always better to hire a professional web development and digital marketing firm to reap the benefits to maximum.

We, at Digital Kangaroos, strive to keep your business in pace with recent trends and the latest SEO algorithms that help you hit the ground running and secure an unrivaled presence in the digital world! For more such interesting insights don’t forget to share and subscribe.

“Get a hold of these trending web development trends and turn your digital space faster, interactive, dynamic, and productive!” Since...

Get a hold of these trending web development trends and turn your digital space faster, interactive, dynamic, and productive!”

Since the lockdown, we have seen a huge peak in the evolution of web development – most individuals are switching from offline practices and are smartly using internet services. You can either call it the demand of time or the way of living as a new norm.

Since the number of internet users will keep on accelerating in the future – developers are working on brand new technologies to resist the downfall.

For a bright future, content creators along with digital marketers and IT companies are following the trends that are eventually seen to be more effective than ever before. Let’s have a look.

Top 10 Web Development Trends

To make the learning process easier and more precise, we have organized an updated and useful list of technologies. With these, your websites can become faster, more interactive, dynamic, and productive. Let us dive deep to learn about the best web trends of 2023

Progressive Web Application

Instead of developing individual applications for respective websites – famous brands, companies, and internet sites have switched to progressive web applications that allow the user to add the website as an application to their device.

The overall experience of the website is similar to the mobile application that allows visitors to display the website best compatible with their mobile phone screens as well.

Famous websites such as Pinterest, Twitter, Alibaba, and Forbes have been using PWA trends and leaving magnificent effects on the audience.

Animated User Interface

In the era where web designing companies are highly focused on improving the user interface; motion technologies are the next attention seekers. The technology offers eye-catching animations and digital art that gives illusions of objects in motion. 

Usually, multimedia is included by using JavaScript and high-end technologies that increase the engagement of the visitors. Such relatable animations enhance the complete outlook of the web pages and add grace to the existing site.

Eventually, the SEO rating can be improved with the Motion UI interface as it provides fun and extra beauty to a webpage. The users usually don’t get bored when they browse such websites.

Chatbot Support Services

You must have seen a chat box at the bottom right side or top right on most web pages that pops up just like when you receive a text on your mobile phone.

An organization having reliable, direct, and quick customer support is more likely to be preferred by users than a firm with a slow help desk response. 

Chatbots are a great step forward to boost your business. In emergency cases, we can contact real human clients to ask queries and provide further contact details.

Responsive Websites

It is a fact that people use the internet a lot more on their mobile phones than on other devices such as personal computers, tablets, etc. Thus, web developers have come to a point where they must work on an interface that fits best for a mobile user. 

Mobile-friendly websites are flexible and perform better – and therefore should be properly taken care of from the Search Engine Optimization perspective as well.

Cloud Computing

Even though cloud computing has served users for many years, people still do not have the actual idea of how best they can make use of cloud networks. 

Web development is under the great influence of data storage and access from cloud networks. Now, when most people are working remotely – the advantages of cloud computing are highly visible in 2023.

Accelerated Mobile Web Pages (AWP)

Google developed a library namely Accelerated Web Pages or AMP for webpages that allows developers to make lightweight, smooth, and faster websites. The main advantage of AMP is to lower the bounce rate and enhance the user-interface experience.

Since the webpages with the AMP framework take less time to load – it helps in growing the organic audience that attracts repeated as well as new visitors. Mainly Javascript is the primary technology that smoothens the web service and polishes the page performance.

Websites with Accelerated Mobile Web pages are more likely to be ranked well than sites that do not utilize the bliss provided by Google.

Voice Search

Virtual audio assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google audio searches are already making our lives a lot easier. Now, look at the next level approaches that help people of all age groups utilize internet services just by speaking the RIGHT words. 

Voice search and smart speakers can take both web development and e-commerce markets to newer heights.

Dark Mode On

When a user lands on a webpage – your main motive must be to keep the reader stuck to the page. When the website is more about informative content – make sure to make the webpage interactive and captivating.

With Dark mode or white/ black trends, a user can switch the background colour or lights as per his needs. It provides a more customized and personal feel to the user.

Augmented Reality

With AI and IoT stepping inside the world of the internet – Augmented reality is a more advanced approach to utilize the technology at its best. It provides the user with an atmosphere that looks similar to the real one.

Many websites include AR on their landing page which gives the user an experience of the real-time presence of individuals. An organization that is tied up with augmented or virtual reality will grow more rapidly in upcoming times. 

Blockchain rules

People are moving more into investing in bitcoins or crypto-currency and hence blockchain technology goes side by side. With blockchain, a user who is into mining can ensure the transaction of digital money more securely. 

Each transaction is encrypted with unique keys and the sender’s digital signatures that make the network safe and trustworthy. Cybersecurity is another digital trend that goes well with crypto transactions and positively influences the web.

The Bottom Line

We have studied the various web development trends that can take the overall internet and customer experiences to a much better level. One must build up and invest in such programming skills and required proficiency.

Digital Kangaroos– a premier web development and digital marketing agency in Punjab offers support in various digital services so as to enhance the overall performance of web development. We use the latest technologies to enhance the user-interface relationship. Let’s co-create web space of your dreams. Call us today!

“Online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these...

Online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these channels come with a lot of limitations and restrictions.”

Going online is no big feat these days. Most of the small entrepreneurs choose to opt to sell on an e-retail giant rather than having their own website. Having a great online presence is a must in today’s scenario and things have geared up even more after the COVID-19 scenario.

Whether you choose to sell on a marketplace or your own website, each side has its own pros and cons. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy. Businesses who really want to grab a lion’s share on an online platform or are truly serious about expanding their business online should consider having their own website for sure.

 Yes, online sales platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, and eBay can indeed turn out to be great sales channels, but these channels come with a lot of limitations. The general public has started to look beyond these options and even likes to purchase directly from the seller rather than the middleman.

Starting an online business can be intimidating but it’s worth spending your time, money, and resources on it. Have a look at how having your own eCommerce website is advantageous.

Personalized Communication

When you market your product across big retail giants or a global marketplace, there are thousands of similar brands competing for visibility on the same platform/s. The main advantage of having your own e-commerce website is that you can market your products directly to the customers.

People come to your website as they want to know more about you. Here, you have their email addresses and contact numbers. You can personalize their shopping experience by offering discounts, new launch offers, and other promotions.

Your Brand, Your Rules!

When a customer orders your product from the global marketplace, it reaches him with branding done by the marketplace.  Your brand gets minimal promotion or visibility. This, indeed, makes your brand weak.

Branding is of prime importance when you strive to build a brand both online and offline. Connect with a good e-commerce development agency near you and start your own brand that rules!

Your strategy, your branding, and your Profit!

Customer Loyalty and Retention

The lack of loyalty and presence of several competitors on a global E-commerce platform makes you hardly get a repeat customer. When you are selling from your own e-commerce platform, you can connect with the audience in a better way.

A more personal connection between you and the customer can be established as they get multiple ways to connect with you. Reach out to the best web development company in Ludhiana to know more about the nitty-gritty of the e-commerce business.

Run Creative Marketing Campaigns

Having your own website doesn’t mean that your audience would be coming flocking to you. You will have to fight tooth and nail to get shoppers to your website. You will need the right mix of SEO and other digital marketing strategies to build a strong online presence.

Work with the best e-commerce development company in Ludhiana to brainstorm some creative campaigns and discover what works best for you. You will be able to understand your audience in the best way through analytics and mould your strategies in a way that best works for your brand.

Use this data from the analytics to grow and reach your audience in a better way.

Cut the Middleman, 100% of sales revenue

With your own E-commerce website, you have complete business autonomy.

Working with a marketplace means paying fees, warehouse charges, seller rights, and transactional costs. The entire cost is to be borne by the seller. Amidst these complexities, the share of your profit is meager and the ROI is very low.

By having your own website, you are selling directly to your customers, and that too, with your own branding. This ensures faster query resolution. Apart from that, you can easily integrate the selling experience with social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Want to grow your online business? Or looking for the right ways to step into the online world?

Digital Kangaroos is one of the leading and best web development and digital marketing agencies in India offering 360-degree solutions to all your digital needs.

We, at Digital Kangaroos, are a team of young, energetic, and experienced professionals helping you realize all your digital and e-business needs. Feel free to call us at +919814820845 or connect with us at info@digitalkangaroos.com for the best digital solutions.

“A fancy website built without conversion rate optimization strategy is more like a car having no wheels – physically present...

A fancy website built without conversion rate optimization strategy is more like a car having no wheels – physically present but going nowhere!

Do you know you just have 0-8 seconds to impress your visitors?

96% of the visitors don’t make a purchase.

 A 1-second delay in load time can reduce your ROI by up to 7%.


Conversion of visitors to customers and leads is the key objective of every business, online or offline – big or small. However, the factors affecting the conversion rates are multitude. The best way to do this is to try and test what works best for you. But, in this competitive world, no one has that much time, budget, and resources because a single blip can rule you out from the competition. Digital Kangaroos- the best web development company in Punjab brings you some time-tested web development tips that will help you gain visibility, establish brand recognition, and of course boost conversion.   

Great Website Foundation

A fancy website built without a conversion rate optimization strategy is more like a car having no wheels – physically present but going nowhere. The same goes for the website. Your website needs a strong foundation along with rightly placed things for a great push. Here’s what you need for a solid foundation:

  • Professional Design

To make a dynamic impact in front of your customers, you need to tell them that you really care for them and are serious about your business. The golden way to do this is by giving a professional touch to your website and getting it designed by the best web development agency in Ludhiana.  

Make sure that your design is unique, professional, and eye-catching.

  • Update Regularly

Apart from design, make sure that your web development takes place on the latest programming languages, and frameworks and is fully secure. Keep updating your plugins, templates, and other software regularly so as to keep the hackers away. Add site security to make your website reliable and trustworthy.

  • Clean Design

A clean design ensures that your website is navigation-friendly. All your links, whether in the footer, navigation bar, or other service/product pages should be super easy to find. Don’t assume that the user will be digging deep to find the required thing. It isn’t a hide-and-seek game, it’s a clear business!

If your website is loading slowly or lacks impressive design, you’re going to lose your customers anyhow. Connect with the best web development company in Ludhiana to give a solid foundation to your website. 

Keep Search Engines Happy

Gone are the days when SEO was all about stuffing keywords. Now, it is more about the user’s search intent. The more you rank on relevancy parameters, the higher you will rank on SERPs. Keeping search engines happy, is keeping your visitors happy too! Here’s how you can do that.

Responsive design

Back in 2015, mobile search surpassed desktop search. Even in the latest 2021 algorithm updates, Google has made clear that only responsive or mobile-friendly web pages will be allowed to index. The intentions were made crystal clear when Google launched their mobile website tester. This test will allow the user to check and verify their websites for mobile devices.

Before giving a green signal to your website, make sure it passes this test. Any red flags should be sorted as soon as possible.

On-page SEO

It’s always worth taking out few hours and learning how to do SEO for your website. Well, off-page SEO may be left for the professionals but with some minor tweaks in your content, you can easily achieve an optimized page.  These simple and small changes will help you gain a better position on SERPs as compared to your competitors.

Listen to Your Customers

Your customers are your best advisors, listen to them. It’s always best to sit with them or call them for feedback. Use the analytics to learn how your clients interact with your website. The length of the page doesn’t matter. What matters the most is the engagement levels of your landing pages. Consult the best web development company near you for a quick review of your website and get an action plan designed if the values fall below the desired ones.

Eliminate Unnecessary Elements

Your web design is going great. You have left no stone unturned to make it engaging and alluring. But, there are certain elements that unintentionally hinder your conversion rates if you’re not careful. For example: your navigational bar may attract customers and hinder the conversion coming from the home/landing page. Most webpreneurs prefer either going for a single-page web design or just removing the navigation (menu) completely from their website.

 Adding elements such as unnecessary images and sign-up forms to your websites distract the visitors from clicking the call-to-action button, thereby, increasing the bounce rate.

Fear of Missing out

Your website must convey a sense of urgency to shoot up the conversion levels. Establishing FOMO or fear of missing out is a great place to start. People are more likely to buy services or products that make people feel at a loss when they don’t buy the available product/ service or avail of the offer. Hubspot reported that using a red CTA button increases the conversion by 21%. Additionally, using timers on the website persuades the visitors to make a decision immediately. 

Key Takeaway – Never Stop Improving

Even though there are a plethora of adjustments that you need to make to skyrocket your conversion rate, it may be difficult to draw conclusions too early. Audiences may respond to different changes differently. Keep testing and improving to understand what works best for your audience. And don’t forget that your web analytics is your Excalibur that helps you fight through every situation. 

Still confused about optimizing strategy? Looking for the best web development agency in Punjab to step into the online world?

We at Digital Kangaroos– the best web development and digital marketing company in Ludhiana/Punjab, are working round the clock to deliver the best digital solutions for all your business needs.

An effective social media strategy for LinkedIn will position your school’s faculty members as thought leaders in the education industry....

An effective social media strategy for LinkedIn will position your school’s faculty members as thought leaders in the education industry.

LinkedIn– the most popular social media platform for professionals is well-known for offering networking opportunities, industry updates, and professional development for businesses. Similar to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, LinkedIn also plays a crucial role in reaching out to your community and building a solid online presence. From the school’s faculty to alumni- everyone is present on this professional networking platform.

Let’s have a look at why a school’s presence on LinkedIn matters.

Brand Awareness

Staying active on LinkedIn and posting regular posts helps you grab a better position in the education industry. It shows how deeply you are concerned about the teaching profession and the efforts you are making to nurture the coming generation.

It establishes your school as one of the crème de la crème schools in the district/city. Encouraging your key members such as faculty members, alumni, and people in leadership positions to use LinkedIn would boost the reputation and build brand awareness of the school.

Leaders in the Industry

Holding an effective social media strategy for your school on LinkedIn would position the school’s faculty as thought leaders. When you build connections with other leaders and experts within the industry, it helps you stay updated with the trends and other education industry news. You can also share education or business-related news about your district/brand to establish your command in the industry.

Principals and heads of departments can leverage LinkedIn to form relationships with influencers and leaders in the field of education. This not only helps to grow their professional network but also opens the doors to plenty of opportunities for the school. The faculty and other high-level stakeholders can use LinkedIn like a blog where they can share or document their thoughts on a daily or weekly basis. This acts as a conversation starter amongst like-minded professionals.

You can discuss around latest pedagogy techniques, the future of education and challenges, general happenings, etc. Brainstorming sessions and other meetings can be filmed and shared online (if appropriate).

Alumni Connection

The school can create company profiles on LinkedIn. This encourages the former students and other alumni to connect with their alma mater. This tremendously strengthens the school’s brand power.  By hosting school reunions, school authorities could encourage former students to connect and follow the school’s profile.

High-profile former students can be great marketing assets and can act as brand advocates for your school.

Read More: The What, Why, and How of Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

Local Boost

LinkedIn serves as a great platform that helps the school to connect and engage with local businesses. Be it donations or sponsorships, everyone likes to invest in a brand. In fact, many entrepreneurs could come forward and offer some incredible career development and internship opportunities to students.

LinkedIn can also be used to post recruitment and career-related opportunities. It helps in the best talent identification and provides some best recruitment resources.

Read MoreHow to do Local SEO for Your Small Business in Easy Steps?

Top Rankings

As LinkedIn features high in the search engines, having a profile here broadens your visibility and makes you top the SERP charts.

How to leverage LinkedIn to grow your school community?

LinkedIn is a perfect platform that helps you turn your school into a reputed brand. Here are a few tips that help you improve your school’s visibility, and brand awareness and grow its community on LinkedIn.

Update your information

Make sure that your profile information is accurate and up to date. To attract more visitors it is inevitable to ensure the information from school size to contact information is correct and current. The profile images should be of high quality and high resolution.

Need assistance? Contact the best digital marketing agency today for the best results.  

Post frequently and consistently

Just like other social media platforms, you can share content within your connections. The main aim is to engage the audience through creative content. Some content ideas that perform exceptionally well on LinkedIn are news updates, blogs, events, photos and videos of school, etc.

Read More: Which Content Marketing Strategy is Relevant for Your Business?

Employee advocacy and alumni associations

There is no second opinion that employees are the lifelines of every business. Including employee advocacy in your LinkedIn strategy would help you reap the gains soon. By encouraging the alumni and other staff members of your school to like and share your content, the reach and engagement get amped up. Moreover, your employees act as brand ambassadors and help in fostering a sense of community.

Moreover, LinkedIn’s diverse range of analytics offers deep insights into your visitors, followers, and updates. By understanding these metrics you can resonate with your audience in a better way.

Read More: Improve your Brand’s Reach with these Content Promotion Ideas

Want to know more about how to grow your social media community?  Digital Kangaroos- one of the best web development and digital marketing companies in India, is well-known for providing quality-driven digital marketing and web designing services.

Internal links are arguably the most underrated SEO strategy for getting high ranks in SERPs. It’s completely in your hands...

Internal links are arguably the most underrated SEO strategy for getting high ranks in SERPs. It’s completely in your hands as you don’t have to look up to some agency to do this for you. Internal linking indeed helps you rank higher in Google with a 100% success rate.

Internal links are the links that point or go from one page to a different page on the same website (domain). The primary role is to make the website navigation friendly. Both, search engines and users use these internal links to find content on the website.

Why internal linking is important?

There are three main reasons why we need internal linking.

  • Crawlability: It helps search engines and web crawlers discover new pages that can be indexed.
  • Authority: Internal linking boosts your Page Rank i.e. power up other pages as well and spread link-equity around the website.
  • Relevance: Apart from aiding users in navigation, they also help search engines to better understand what the page is all about.

    How you can use internal linking to boost your ranking?

There are many types of internal links that you can use on your web pages such as the menu, homepage links, footer links, etc. In addition to this, there are links that you can add to your content. These are called contextual links.   

Contextual links point to related or interesting content on your website. Through anchor tags and text, it allows search engines to find out what your page is all about and determine the page rank.  So, good internal links are a vital component of a successful SEO strategy.

You can begin by:

Determining a logical hierarchy of your site structure

Consider your website as a mind map. The homepage should be on top, followed by the sub-categories that should branch out from that such as the services page, about us page, blog, etc. And, from these topics, you can branch out to other sub-topics.

For example: If your website is about digital marketing, the services can branch out as PPC, SEO, SMM, etc. These branches are created using internal links.

But, this mind map is pretty basic and may not give entire information to the web crawlers or search engine bots.

To counter that you can create:

Content Hubs

Content hubs are just an interlinked collection of all web pages related to a similar topic. Here you create pages around a topic and its sub-topics and link them internally through phrases or keywords.

For example, You can further group Blog> Link Building Guide into subtopics such as broken link building, guest posting, tips for bloggers, etc. These pages would be linked with the main category but don’t miss out on linking these pages internally with each other as well.

This will boost relevancy and your pages will get internal backlinks that certainly boost the overall page authority. Also, creating internal links between related pages will help all of your pages rank high on Google.

Read MoreHow to do Local SEO for Your Small Business in Easy Steps?

Now, what if you have created hundreds of pages without any specific structure in mind?

Identifying each page and finding its relation would be tedious. Here are three ways to find internal linking opportunities:

  • Google’s ‘site’ Operator:

Use the ‘site’ search operator in Google to find all the pages related to your website. For example, you want to link all pages that include ‘digital marketing tips’ on your website.

Open Google and type:  

site:<website-name>/<category>/ “digital marketing tips”

This will list down all the pages having the ‘digital marketing tips’ phrase. Open individual pages and start linking them with each other.

  • Perform Site Audit

There are many site audit tools (both free and paid) that help you look out for link-building opportunities. If that feels too technical, you can consult a professional web development and digital marketing agency near you to do the site audit for you. These professionals will remarkably amp up your rankings by making the most of link-building and other SEO strategies.

  •  Identify Power Pages

There would be some pages on your website that are powerful, have great visibility, and have earned external backlinks. Such pages have more ‘authority’ that can be passed on to other pages as well on your website. So, you can use these pages to link back to your internal pages with similar intent.

Whatever method you choose, just be cautious not to force the links unnecessarily if the things are irrelevant. Also, don’t flood your page with internal links.

What if you don’t have any pages with good ‘Page Authority’?

Contact Digital Kangaroos– the best web development and digital marketing agency in North India, for a complete site audit today.  Get back on rankings now!