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In the current digital era, a strong online presence is crucial for any business to thrive. One essential component of...

In the current digital era, a strong online presence is crucial for any business to thrive. One essential component of a robust online presence is a well-optimized Google My Business (GMB) page. A properly managed GMB page can significantly impact your visibility, customer engagement, and overall online reputation. In this blog, we will explore the best ways to improve your Google My Business page, leveraging the expertise of Digital Kangaroos, a leading web development and digital marketing agency.

1.Claim and Verify Your GMB Listing

The first step to improving your GMB page is to claim and verify your listing. Visit the Google My Business website and follow the simple steps to claim ownership of your business. Verifying your listing adds credibility to your page and enables you to access and optimize its full features.

2.Optimize Your Business Information

Make sure that the information about your business is precise, comprehensive, and kept current. This includes your business name, address, phone number (NAP), website URL, hours of operation, and category. Optimize your description by incorporating relevant keywords to enhance your page’s visibility in search results.

3. Add High-Quality Visual Content

Visual content plays an essential role in captivating and involving prospective customers. Upload high-quality images that showcase your products, services, and premises. Include photos of your team, satisfied customers, and behind-the-scenes shots to add a personal touch. Regularly updating your visual content keeps your GMB page fresh and appealing.

4. Encourage Positive Customer Reviews

Positive feedback from customers serves as a valuable asset in establishing trust and credibility. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your GMB page by providing excellent service, requesting feedback, or offering incentives. Demonstrate your dedication to customer satisfaction by promptly responding to both positive and negative reviews.

5. Utilize Google Posts

Google Posts allows you to share updates, promotions, events, and other relevant content directly on your GMB page. Take advantage of this feature to engage with your audience and provide valuable information. Use eye-catching visuals, compelling headlines, and concise descriptions to grab attention and encourage user interaction.

6. Leverage Q&A Section

The Q&A section of your GMB page allows customers to ask questions about your business. Monitor this section regularly and provide accurate, informative answers promptly. This not only helps potential customers but also enhances your page’s credibility and demonstrates your commitment to customer service.

7. Monitor and Respond to Messages

Google My Business provides a convenient messaging feature that enables direct communication between customers and your business. Ensure that you enable messaging and monitor incoming messages regularly. Respond promptly and professionally, addressing customer inquiries, providing information, or directing them to the appropriate channels.

8. Use GMB Insights for Data-Driven Decisions

Take advantage of the valuable data provided by GMB Insights. This tool provides valuable information about how customers find your business, their engagement with your page, and other key metrics. Analyze this data to gain insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and areas for improvement.

9. Implement Local SEO Strategies

Optimize your GMB page for local search by incorporating local SEO strategies. Include relevant keywords, and location-specific content, and ensure consistency across all online directories and platforms. This enhances your page’s visibility in local search results and increases your chances of appearing in the coveted “Local Pack.”

10. Regularly Update and Maintain Your GMB Page

Consistency is key when it comes to managing your GMB page. Regularly update your information, respond to reviews and messages, and post fresh content. This shows that your business is active, trustworthy, and committed to providing excellent service.

Why Choose Digital Kangaroos for GMB Optimization? Digital Kangaroos is a stellar web development and digital marketing agency known for its expertise in optimizing Google My Business pages. Here’s why you should consider Digital Kangaroos for your GMB needs:

  • Extensive Experience: Digital Kangaroos has a proven track record of successfully optimizing GMB pages for various businesses across different industries.
  • Holistic Approach: The agency takes a holistic approach, combining its technical expertise with strategic insights to deliver comprehensive GMB optimization solutions.
  • Customized Strategies: Digital Kangaroos understands that every business is unique. They develop customized strategies tailored to your specific business goals and target audience.
  • Cutting-Edge Techniques: The team at Digital Kangaroos stays up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in GMB optimization to ensure that your page is at the forefront of digital marketing strategies.


Optimizing your Google My Business page is a crucial step in enhancing your online presence and attracting more customers. By following the best practices outlined above, as recommended by Digital Kangaroos, you can effectively improve your GMB page and leverage its full potential. Take control of your online reputation, engage with customers, and increase your business visibility with a well-optimized GMB page. Trust Digital Kangaroos to guide you through the process and unlock the benefits of a robust online presence.

Performance marketing is a type of marketing strategy that aims to generate measurable results, such as leads or sales, through...

Performance marketing is a type of marketing strategy that aims to generate measurable results, such as leads or sales, through various online and offline channels. Unlike traditional marketing, where companies invest in broad marketing campaigns with no guarantee of success, performance marketing is focused on achieving specific goals and generating a positive return on investment (ROI).

Performance marketing is often associated with digital marketing, and for good reason. Digital channels allow for highly targeted and measurable campaigns, making it easier to track performance and adjust strategies accordingly. However, performance marketing is not limited to digital channels and can encompass any marketing strategy that is designed to achieve specific, measurable results.

How Does Performance Marketing Work?

Performance marketing relies on a variety of tactics to achieve its goals. The following are some of the most common strategies used in performance marketing campaigns:

Affiliate Marketing:

In affiliate marketing, businesses partner with affiliates who promote their products or services in exchange for a commission. Affiliates can be bloggers, influencers, or other businesses with relevant audiences.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:

PPC advertising involves paying for ads to appear in search engine results or on social media platforms. Advertisers pay a fee every time someone clicks on their ad.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):

To increase a website’s exposure in search engine results pages (SERPs), SEO entails optimizing the content and structural elements of the website. This can involve link building, on-page optimization, and keyword research.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing involves sending targeted messages to a specific list of subscribers. Emails can be used to promote products, share content, or provide personalized offers.

Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing involves using social media platforms to promote products or services. This includes organic posts, paid ads, and influencer marketing.

Regardless of the specific tactics used, performance marketing campaigns rely on tracking and measuring results. This allows advertisers to adjust their strategies based on performance data and optimize campaigns for maximum ROI.

Benefits of Performance Marketing

The main benefit of performance marketing is that it allows businesses to achieve specific, measurable results with a high degree of precision. By tracking performance data, advertisers can adjust campaigns in real time and optimize for the best possible ROI.

Another benefit of performance marketing is that it is typically more cost-effective than traditional marketing. Since campaigns are targeted and optimized for results, businesses can avoid wasting money on ineffective marketing efforts.

Finally, performance marketing is highly scalable, meaning that businesses can ramp up campaigns quickly as needed. This makes it an ideal marketing strategy for businesses looking to grow rapidly.


Performance marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that can help businesses achieve specific, measurable results with a high degree of precision. By using a variety of tactics such as affiliate marketing, PPC advertising, SEO, email marketing, and social media marketing, businesses can track and optimize campaigns for maximum ROI. With its focus on results and scalability, performance marketing is an ideal marketing strategy for businesses looking to grow quickly and cost-effectively.

Looking for a performance marketing agency for your business? Look no further! Digital Kangaroos is a name to reckon with in the field of performance marketing and has helped many businesses meet their objectives and goals with its award-winning services.

As more and more people rely on the internet to find products and services, businesses must ensure that their websites...

As more and more people rely on the internet to find products and services, businesses must ensure that their websites rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs). That’s where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into the picture. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why your business absolutely needs SEO and how SEO services offered by Digital Kangaroos- the premier web development and SEO agency in Punjab, Delhi, California can help you achieve your goals.

The Main Objective of SEO

The primary objective of SEO is to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results pages. When a user enters a query into a search engine, they are presented with a list of results that are relevant to their search. The goal of SEO is to ensure that your website appears at the top of the list when users search for keywords related to your business.

SEO involves optimizing various elements of a website, including its content, structure, and code, to make it more attractive to search engines. This, in turn, helps to increase the website’s ranking in SERPs. By ranking higher in search results, your website will receive more traffic, which can translate into more leads and sales.

Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO

Now that we understand the main objective of SEO, let’s take a closer look at why your business absolutely needs it.

Increased Visibility

As we mentioned earlier, SEO is all about improving your website’s visibility in search results. When your website appears at the top of the list, it is more likely to be clicked on by users.  This increased visibility can lead to generating more traffic for your business website, which eventually translates into more leads, conversions, and sales.

Better User Experience

SEO is not just about optimizing your website for SERP. It has a lot to do with enhancing the user experience on your website by optimizing the structure as well as website content.

This, in turn, can lead to longer visit times, lower bounce rates, and higher conversion rates.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional marketing methods, SEO is a cost-effective way to promote your business online.Unlike paid advertising, which requires ongoing investment, the benefits of SEO can be long-lasting. Once your website is optimized for search engines, it can continue to rank well for months or even years to come if the content is timeless.

Competitive Advantage

In the day and age of digital, it is essential to stay ahead of the competition. The investment in SEO helps you gain a competitive advantage over your competitors. If other businesses in your industry are not investing in SEO, you can use this to your advantage by ranking higher in search results and attracting more traffic to your website.

Increased Trust and Credibility

It gets a lot easier to build trust and credibility with your customers by achieving top ranks in search engines. Users tend to trust websites that appear at the top of the list more than those that appear further down. By investing in SEO, you can demonstrate to your audience that you are a reputable and trustworthy business.

If you’re looking for SEO services, Digital Kangaroos is a premier web development and digital marketing agency that offers a range of services to help businesses improve their online presence. These services can help you with everything from keyword research and on-page optimization to link building and content creation.

Here are some reasons why you should consider seeking SEO services from Digital Kangaroos:

Experience and Expertise

Digital Kangaroos has a team of experienced and highly skilled SEO experts who have worked with businesses of all sizes and in various industries. They have a deep understanding of SEO and keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices to ensure that their clients receive the best possible service.

Customized SEO Strategies

Digital Kangaroos understands that every business is unique and has its own set of goals and objectives. That’s why they develop customized SEO strategies tailored to each client’s specific needs and objectives. This approach ensures that their clients receive the best possible results.

Holistic Approach

Digital Kangaroos takes a holistic approach to SEO, which involves optimizing various elements of a website, including its content, structure, and code, to make it more attractive to search engines. By taking a comprehensive approach to SEO, they are able to achieve better results for their clients.

Proven Track Record

Digital Kangaroos has a proven track record of success in delivering results for their clients and has helped them achieve better search engine rankings, more website traffic, and increased leads and sales.

Transparency and Communication

Digital Kangaroos believes in transparency and communication and keeps their clients informed throughout the entire SEO process. They provide regular updates on the progress of their client’s campaigns and are always available to answer any questions or concerns their clients may have.

In a nutshell, Digital Kangaroos with its experience, expertise, holistic approach, proven track record, and commitment to transparency and communication is a trusted partner for businesses looking to improve their SEO performance.

In today’s digital age, having a business website is crucial for any business looking to succeed. A website is not...

In today’s digital age, having a business website is crucial for any business looking to succeed. A website is not just a tool for providing information about your products or services, but it’s also a powerful marketing tool that can help you attract and retain customers. A well-designed business website can help increase brand awareness, generate leads, and boost sales.

At Digital Kangaroos, we understand the importance of a well-designed business website. In this blog, we will discuss everything you should know about business website design.

Why Does Your Business Need a Website?

A website is the first impression that potential customers will have of your business in the online world, and it can make or break their decision to do business with you. A well-designed website with good functionality can help you:

Establish Credibility:

A professional-looking website can help establish your business’s credibility and legitimacy. It shows that you are serious about your business and that you are invested in providing your customers with the best experience.

Increase Visibility:

A website can help you reach a wider audience and increase your visibility. With the right SEO strategies, your website can rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Showcase Your Products or Services:

A website allows you to showcase your products or services and provide potential customers with all the information they need to make a purchase decision.

Build Relationships with Customers:

A website can also help you build relationships with your customers by providing them with a platform to interact with your business and providing them with valuable content.

Elements of a Well-Designed Business Website

A well-designed business website should have the following elements:

A Clear and Concise Message:

Your website should have a clear and concise message that communicates what your business is about and what you offer.


Your website should reflect your brand identity. Use your company logo, brand colors, and fonts to create a consistent look and feel. Ensure that your website’s design aligns with your brand values and messaging.

Easy Navigation:

Your website should be easy to navigate, with clear menus and a user-friendly interface.

Responsive Design:

Your website should be responsive, meaning it should be optimized for all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

High-Quality Content:

Your website should have high-quality content that provides value to your customers and showcases your expertise. Use pertinent keywords to optimize your content for search engines. Remember that your content should be informative and engaging, not just promotional.

Call-to-Action (CTA):

Your website should have clear calls-to-action that encourage visitors to take action, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form.


Security is a critical aspect of any business website. Ensure that your website has an SSL certificate and is hosted on a secure server. This will protect your customers’ data and help build trust with your audience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

SEO is an essential aspect of business website design. Your website should be optimized for search engines to improve its visibility and reach. Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and alt tags to make your website more searchable.

Tips for Choosing the Right Web Design Agency

Choosing the right web design agency is crucial for the success of your business website. Here are some tips for choosing the right web design agency:

Look for experience:

Choose a web design agency with a lot of experience in designing websites for businesses similar to yours.

Check their portfolio:

You can ask for the agency’s portfolio to see if they have designed websites that align with your business’s style and goals.

Check their reviews:

Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to get an idea of the agency’s reputation and customer service.


Choose an agency that communicates effectively and provides regular updates throughout the design process.


Consider the agency’s pricing and ensure that it aligns with your budget.

Where to Find Business Website Design Services

At Digital Kangaroos, we offer professional and affordable business website design services. Our team of experienced web designers can create a custom website that aligns with your business’s goals and objectives. We offer web design services in Ludhiana, Punjab, Delhi, and other locations. Contact us today to discuss web designing requirements for your business.

In the world of content marketing, there are two terms that are frequently used: cornerstone content and evergreen content. Both...

In the world of content marketing, there are two terms that are frequently used: cornerstone content and evergreen content. Both types of content are crucial for building a successful content marketing strategy, but they serve different purposes. In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between cornerstone content and evergreen content, and why they both matter for your content marketing services in Ludhiana, Punjab.

First, let’s define what we mean by cornerstone content and evergreen content. Cornerstone content is the foundation of your website or blog. The content represents your brand, sets you apart from your competitors, and showcases your expertise. This type of content is typically long-form and in-depth, and it covers topics that are central to your business.

On the other hand, evergreen content is content that remains relevant over time. It’s the content that you can create once and continue to drive traffic to your site for years to come. This type of content is typically more general in nature and covers topics that are always in demand.

Now that we understand what these terms mean, let’s dive deeper into the differences between them.


The purpose of cornerstone content is to establish your brand and build authority in your industry. It’s the content that showcases your unique perspective and expertise. It’s also the content that you’ll want to rank highly in search engine results, as it’s the foundation of your website.

On the other hand, the purpose of evergreen content is to drive traffic to your site over time. This type of content should be optimized for search engines and should cover topics that people are always searching for.


Cornerstone content is typically long-form, and in-depth, and may include multimedia elements like videos and infographics. This type of content takes a lot of time and effort to create, but it’s worth it because it establishes your brand as an authority in your industry.

On the other hand, evergreen content is crisp, doesn’t go out of style, and stays relevant for a long period of time. It may include multimedia elements, but they’re not as crucial to its success as they are for cornerstone content. This type of content is meant to be easily digestible and shareable, so people will continue to come back to your site.


Cornerstone content should cover topics that are central to your business and that you’re an expert in. This type of content should be unique to your brand and should showcase your unique perspective.

Evergreen content, on the other hand, should cover topics that are always in demand. These could be topics that people are always searching for, like “how to lose weight” or “how to start a blog.” This type of content should be relevant to your industry, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be unique to your brand.


Cornerstone content takes a lot of time and effort to create, but it’s worth it because it establishes your brand as an authority in your industry. This type of content should be updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and up-to-date.

Evergreen content, on the other hand, should be created once and continue to drive traffic to your site for years to come. This type of content may need to be updated periodically, but it doesn’t require as much ongoing maintenance as cornerstone content.

So, which type of content is more important? The truth is, that both types are crucial for building a successful content marketing strategy. Cornerstone content establishes your brand and builds authority in your industry, while evergreen content drives traffic to your site over time.

As a content marketing agency in Ludhiana, Punjab, it’s essential to create both types of content for your clients. At Digital Kangaroos, we understand the importance of both cornerstone and evergreen content, and we work with our clients to create a content marketing strategy that drives growth and offers maximum return on investment (ROI).

In 2023 and the coming years, Digital marketing is nothing without images. On-fleek photography and videography not only help to...

In 2023 and the coming years, Digital marketing is nothing without images. On-fleek photography and videography not only help to generate aesthetic vibes but also effectively communicate your message to the audience. From product photos to infographics, there are many different types of images that you can use in your digital marketing strategy.

Statistics show that Twitter posts with images drive 150% more engagement and over 55% of people retain more information when paired with an image.

No matter a startup or an established business, everyone needs to make strategic changes now and then. And that is when you need the best digital marketing agency to help you generate good ROI. So, let’s get started and learn how to use images in your digital marketing strategy.

Tips to Enhance Image Use in Digital Marketing

Choose Relevant Images

Our brain can identify an image in less than 13 milliseconds than the verbal content. Thus, making it crucial to add pertinent content to the images.

Want to start adding relevant images to your digital marketing strategy? Highlighting your USP in the landing page images seems like an excellent way.

Use High-Quality Images

The quality of your images is the deciding factor in how well they perform in your digital marketing. Research presented at the 4th International Conference on Information Management claimed that the most liked posts on Facebook displayed ideal brightness, clarity, liveliness, and ingenuity.

Use Original Images

Using original images can help you stand out from competitors and make your brand more memorable. Try to create unique, eye-catching images that showcase your brand and message creatively and engagingly. Referral Rock suggests that on a scale of 1 to 10, original images score a stupendous 9.33 out of 10.

Optimise Images

Different social media platforms accept varying image ratios. Irrelevant image size will give a sloppy look, and users will not give it another glance. Thus, it is crucial to optimize images for all digital platforms. Check the latest post sizes for social media platforms before publishing.

Use Images in Email Marketing

Images can be a powerful tool in your email marketing efforts. They can help you break up large blocks of text, make your emails visually appealing, and help convey your message effectively. Statistics show that nearly two-thirds of readers prefer reading image-based emails rather than verbal content.

Use Images in Blog Posts

Reading loads of verbal content can get mundane. The use of images adds another perspective to your blogs. Make them memorable and informative by using infographics and video content. Oberlo statistics show that there are currently 600 million blogs available. Moreover, websites with blogs noticed 55% more traffic.

Use Images to Showcase Products

If you’re selling products, use images to showcase them in the best light possible. Use high-quality images highlighting the features and benefits of your products. Besides, consider using different angles and styles to make your products stand out.

Use Images for Story-Telling

Images help tell a story and connect with your audience emotionally. Images are a great way to showcase a brand’s personality, ethics, and mission. Movable Ink shares that visual content helps to generate 12 times faster website traffic.

Use Images in Social Media Posts

Social media is a visual medium, so using images in your posts is essential. Ensure your images are eye-catching, visually appealing, and relevant to your message.

Consider using a mix of different image types, such as infographics, graphics, and photos, to keep your posts fresh and engaging. With more than 350 billion images on Facebook, it becomes paramount to make your image stand out from the crowd.

Images in digital marketing campaigns enhance communication with customers.

Types of Digital Content Images

Product Photos

Product photos are an ideal choice to highlight product features and benefits. These photos should be high-quality and well-lit. They further help your products be in the spotlight and get a cut above the rest.

Lifestyle Photos

Lifestyle photos showcase your products in a natural setting and help convey your brand’s personality and values. These photos can help you connect with your audience by depicting your brand story.

Stock Photos

Stock photos are pre-made images that can be purchased and used in marketing campaigns. These photos can be a quick and easy way to add visual interest to your campaigns. However, they do not add uniqueness to your brand. Thus, we at Digital Kangaroos, believe in using authentic visual content rather than stock images.

Infographic Photos

Infographic photos present information in a visual format, making it easier to understand and remember. These images are best for appealingly depicting statistics.

Behind-the-Scenes Photos

Behind-the-scenes photos give your audience a glimpse into the inner workings of your brand. The customers easily connect with the vulnerability and transparency depicted behind the behind-the-scenes.

Employee Photos

Employee photos exhibit your team and help build a personal connection with your audience. These photos are an ideal choice to showcase your relations with your employees and give a glimpse of the working environment.

User-Generated Photos

User-generated photos are photos that are created and shared by your customers. These photos can help build trust and credibility and can be used to showcase your products and services in a real-world setting.

Ready for Visual Content Marketing?

Understanding different kinds of images and their role in digital marketing can do wonders for your ROI. With these tips, you’ll be able to effectively use images in your digital marketing strategy and connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

It is the third week of January 2023, and Google decided it is time for the dusk of Google Optimize...

It is the third week of January 2023, and Google decided it is time for the dusk of Google Optimize and Optimize 360. It means the website testing and personalization features will no longer be available after 30 September 2023. 

But before going into details, let’s understand the concept of Optimize and Optimize 360. 

Google Optimize 

Google Optimize is a free website optimization tool that allows businesses to conduct A/B and multivariate testing on their website to improve user experience and conversion rates. It integrates with Google Analytics to provide real-time data and insights on visitor behavior and can be used to test changes to headlines, images, and other elements of a website.

Google Optimize 360

Google Optimize 360 is a paid version of Google Optimize that includes additional features such as personalized experiences, integration with Google Tag Manager, and advanced reporting capabilities. It also includes access to customer support and a dedicated account manager.

In addition, Google Optimize 360 can do more complex testing and personalization, such as multivariate testing, server-side testing, and cross-domain testing. It has additional integrations with other Google marketing tools, such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager.

Google Analytics 4

Launched on October 14, 2020, Google Analytics 4 became the new universal analytics. With constant updates in GA4, Google has always thought of the future and enhancing user experience. 

The latest Google Analytics 4 update was on 10 January 2023, with new e-commerce dimensions and metrics. As stated by Google, the GA4 now offers item-scoped and event-scoped versions of all e-commerce metrics to help businesses analyze all the important e-commerce interactions. 

The item-scoped dimensions will give an item count, whereas the event-scoped dimensions will give a count of purchase events. 

Why did Google decide to Shut Down Optimize?

They have decided to continue improving the customer experience for all business types and investigate further A/B testing. The Optimize solutions, as of now, do not have the experimentation features and Google has decided to add just that in GA4. 

Google also advises users to download all the historical data before September 30 via Export your Optimize Report Data. The information would not be available after the Optimize sunset. 

Contract Renewal of Google Optimize 

All those who want to renew the Google Analytics 360 contract can do so before September 30, but the contract will automatically terminate on September 30, 2023. 

However, those with Google Analytics 4 contracts are not eligible for Optimize 360 contracts. Although, they can access the features through GA4 integration. 

Besides, all the users who have Google Optimize 360 contracts valid past September 30, 2023, will terminate on the said date. 

Some marketers have shown their dismay at the Google Optimize changes. Greg Finn, Director of Marketing for Cypress North, expressed his views on Twitter on January 23, 2023. 

What does it mean? 

It is a matter of time before we see the results of the Google Optimize changes and what benefits it will bring for businesses. Despite some saddened users, people are excited to see the changes Google Analytics brings to conversion rate optimization (CRO) tools. 

If you have questions regarding CRO tools or just looking to enhance your website conversion rates, contact Digital Kangaroos, one of the leading web development and digital marketing agencies in Ludhiana. 

Stay tuned for more latest updates! 

ChatGPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a new-age chatbot developed by OpenAI and was officially released on November 30, 2022. OpenAI...

ChatGPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a new-age chatbot developed by OpenAI and was officially released on November 30, 2022. OpenAI is a San Francisco-based startup founded by sharks like Elon Musk and Sam Altman that conducts research in the field of artificial intelligence intending to develop a friendly AI that will benefit humanity as a whole. It gathered a tremendous response from users worldwide within a few days of its launch, and it is still a part of every tech geek’s conversation. The fact that it can generate human-like text and converse just like a human, makes it different from other monotonous chatbots. Other than ChatGPT, OpenAI has also developed DALL-E 2, a deep-learning model that can generate images from text descriptions. It can be used to generate images for video games, virtual reality, augmented reality, and 3D modeling. The team OpenAI is working actively on it to improve and refine it more. 

Currently, ChatGPT is working on the GPT-3.5 version, and it’s more of a prototype that was launched so that people could play along with it and the chatbot could be trained on the actual data sets. With the sheer accuracy and range provided by this version, one can’t imagine what the next generation of GPT-4.0 will bring along. 

The ChatGPT can be used in all sorts of fields for a variety of purposes. Students can use it to create assignments and solve complex problems. IT professionals can use it for programming and finding code bugs. Marketers can use it to generate blogs and content. Not just this, ChatGPT can also generate poems, scripts, songs, and short stories in a range of emotions and senses. 

Well, that is not all, ChatGPT is not just another chatbot but few people opine that it might even replace its competitor Google shortly. The fact that ChatGPT communicates with an individual, remembers the previous chat, and generates quick, relevant, and concise responses makes it superior to Google search. In the case of Google search, it shows multiple site links and the user has to spend some time to find the relevant answer that suits his requirements, unlike ChatGPT which is more direct, clear, and concise with its results. Having said that, Google, being a monopoly, will also not drop its guard easily and it is said to be working intensively on a chatbot of its own called LaMDA, or Language Model for Dialogue Applications. Also, Google Search might be irrelevant in the future, which would make Google replace its whole structure as Google Search alone is generating 80% of its revenue from digital ads. The same will also make it difficult for digital marketers to understand and adapt to the new digital space in order to survive this change. 

ChatGPT is undeniably good already and it’s just going to get better with time. But the main question here is

Are We Even Ready for It? 

The fact that it is going to affect the job market is evident, no matter how much it is denied, it is a harsh truth. The day is not far when technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation will take over most manual jobs across all fields. Interestingly, it will also create new jobs that are not even known right now. One needs to be a pioneer and expert in their field and adapt to the changes in order to sustain and survive the new times. The quick and concise response from a computer program is making humans go gaga about it, but the fact is that it can limit the human thought process in the long run as everyone will keep on relying on it even for the smallest of things. Moreover, it will also restrict creativity since automated content generators will dominate future content, and the internet is expected to flood with mediocre content.

For those who do not understand the technology, ChatGPT at this point, is like a child learning languages from people around and getting trained and just like a child, ChatGPT is not conscious, at least as of now. This is just not about jobs anymore at this point, but what if they outsmart its developers and turn out to be something we don’t want it to be? It sounds like a Hollywood fiction movie, but how this technology will evolve, no one really knows.

At last, although it is extremely important to improvise and innovate the technology for betterment and convenience of humanity, it is evident that, with all these advancements, we are making it difficult for mankind to sustain and the question we need to ask ourselves is:

Are We Digging Our Own Graves?

Also, check out our blog on DALL-E 2, another next-generation venture by OpenAI.

Stay tuned with Digital Kangaroos, a leading web development and software development company in Ludhiana, for the latest news and trends in the tech space.

After its success with DALL-E, launched in January 2021, Open AI returned with a bang with improved AI- DALL-E 2....

After its success with DALL-E, launched in January 2021, Open AI returned with a bang with improved AI- DALL-E 2. It has gained hype amongst digital marketers ever since.

DALL-E 2 was released as a research project with a never-ending waitlist. However, they did open-source CLIP, which forms the basis of DALL-E 2. On 19 May 2022, Open AI tweeted that DALL-E 2 will be onboarding 1000 people each week and will continue to enhance the system.

On 28 September 2022, Open AI posted a blog stating that they were removing the waitlist for DALL-E 2. With this new release, people hurtled to DALL-E 2, and as of 7 January 2023, DALL-E 2 has over 3 million users generating 4 million images every day. 

So if you are interested in knowing more about what DALL-E 2 is and how to use DALL-E 2, stay with us till the end. Because we’ve got something insightful to share with you. 

What is DALL-E 2?

DALL-E 2 is a groundbreaking artificial intelligence (AI) system developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating high-quality images from textual descriptions. The AI is programmed in a way that starts with small dots and develops an image, understanding the image description, via a process known as diffusion. 

DALL-E 2 is better than DALL-E in image processing and resolution. Below is an example of the same output generated by DALL-E and DALL-E 2. 

Source: Open AI

How Does DALL-E 2 Work?

The functioning of DALL-E 2 follows three concepts:

  • CLIP

The clipping process helps to combine image-caption and create image-text embeddings.


The CLIP embedding is sent to the diffusion prior to producing an image embedding. 


As the name suggests, the decoder, or the unclip, decodes the embedded message. The embedded image is sent to the diffusion decoder to produce the final image result. 

Source: Open AI

Features of DALL-E 2

1. The ability to generate high-quality images from text descriptions, including both realistic and stylized images.

2. The ability to generate images of objects and scenes that are not present in the training data allows for the creation of novel and unique images.

3. The use of a transformer-based architecture enables the model to effectively process long-range dependencies and generate images that are coherent and consistent with the input text.

4. The ability to generate images of various sizes and resolutions, depending on the needs of the user.

5. The use of a multi-modal and hierarchical latent space allows the model to generate a wide range of images with a variety of shapes, sizes, and textures.

6. The ability to generate images with fine-grained details, such as facial expressions and intricate patterns, allows for the creation of highly realistic and visually appealing images.

7. DALL-E 2 is designed to create related images from a provided image, varying in size and orientation.

8. DALL-E 2 can expand the original image to give it a wider orientation, yet stand true to the original image. 

9. It can add/remove components from an existing image. It is also designed in a way to add shadows, reflections, and textures according to the added components. 

Source: Open AI

10. DALL-E 2 has a feature called text diff. With this feature, DALL-E 2 can change one image to another.

11. With the interpolation feature, DALL-E 2 can show the “ageing back” of a particular image. 

Limitations and Risks of DALL-E 2

We have discussed the positive aspects of DALL-E 2, now let’s move on to the risks and limitations. 

  • Misleading Audience 

Creating digital images via DALL-E 2 and not disclosing the involvement of AI in your work is against the content policy of Open AI. 

With the DALL-E subscription you can remove the watermark, but depicting the work as human-generated will be considered misleading to the audience. 

  • Uploading Explicit Content 

Explicit content includes nudity, sexual content, or content depicting/arousing sexual emotions. Open AI has policies against the generation of such content via DALL-E 2. 

  • False Information 

Although it is possible to detect the slight difference between deepfake images, DALL-E 2 is programmed to create real-looking images. Creating and spreading false news like wildfire is strictly against DALL-E 2’s policy. 

  • Bullying/Harassment 

DALL-E 2 refrains individuals from creating almost genuine photoshopped images and using them to harass or threaten someone. It is against the policy to promote any content that depicts self-harm or encourages one to do so. 

  • Spelling Issues 

Although DALL-E 2 is great at generating all kinds of images, it is terrible with spelling. The CLIP embeddings play a major role in the outcome images. If the CLIP embedding is not familiar with the word, it would generate insignificant outputs. 

  • Hindered Results 

Melanie Mitchell tweeted that the DALL-E 2’s AI has limited intelligence and is somewhat closer to human-level intelligence but not quite there. It is unable to understand some patterns and generate 100% appropriate results. 

Evan Morikawa shared a tweet depicting the outcomes of two similar prompts and the difference between them. 

Source: Twitter

In Conclusion 

DALL-E 2 is a powerful, creative tool if channelled the right way. However, with constant updates in AI, there will be no such tool to match its power. 

But you, as a user, should be cautious when creating content on DALL-E 2. With all the good aspects comes the negative. But if used in the right way, it is possible to overpower the negatives. 

Stay tuned with Digital Kangaroos, a leading web development company in Ludhiana, and we will be back with the latest blogs on digital marketing and web development.

The screen time has visibly increased, but the time spent on single video content has reduced. People have become impatient...

The screen time has visibly increased, but the time spent on single video content has reduced. People have become impatient to sit and watch a whole 10-15 minute video. Thus, increasing the demand for apps like TikTok. 

Amidst the pandemic, more and more people started creating short videos to overcome the depression and fatigue of ideally sitting at home. 

Just a while later, Instagram followed suit with Instagram reels. And now YouTube shorts have gained popularity. 

Yet one does not think of short videos when visiting YouTube, it is more of a detailed and long-form content platform. So, is it wise to add shorts to your YouTube marketing strategy? 


According to EarthWeb.com, YouTube has 2 billion daily active users and surpasses the benchmark of 15 billion daily views on YouTube shorts. 

The statistics should have cleared at least one of your doubts. And now on to the next one- how to incorporate YouTube shorts in your marketing strategy? 

Read it till the end because we have an amazing monetization tip for your 2023 YouTube marketing strategy. 

But how to persuade the target audience?

  • Create Informative Content 

Even though people scroll through short videos for fun and entertainment, they get engaged if they are informative or captivating. 

Put your best foot forward in that 60-second-long video. That is how long it takes for people to judge your expertise. If they find your content to be informative and helpful, they will be drawn to check your other videos as well, and you might even gain a new subscriber. 

But for that, you need to schedule YouTube shorts according to your niche and be consistent. 

  • Scheduling YouTube Shorts 

According to Dexxter Clark, it isn’t about the time of uploading YouTube shorts but rather the release time that brings you views. He suggests posting the video 15 min before or later than the peak time of publishing to avoid getting lost in the crowd.

Every niche has a different audience, and it is best to understand your audience before publishing any content. You can head to the YouTube analytics page on your account and see a real-time graph. 

Hovering over the bars in the graph will show you the different times you posted on your channel. For the early buds, it is a hit-and-trial method. You need to see what works best for you and then continue doing that. 

  • Are Titles Important?

Titles are an important part of any content form. It gives an insight to the audience into what awaits them. 

A non-gamer person would not like to see game walkthroughs or cheats. Or maybe a gamer would not see your video because they are not sure of what it contains- leading to you losing views. 

But do not try to mislead your audience with inappropriate short titles. They would not even wait for 4 seconds before they scroll to the next one. Also, they might lose trust in you, leaving a thin chance of their return.

  • Record in Portrait Mode 

Although there is now an option to watch YouTube shorts on desktops and smart TVs, people prefer to watch them on their mobile devices. 

And let’s be honest no one wants to turn their phones while watching short videos. Watching YouTube shorts is all about comfort, and you, as a creator, should give that to your audience. 

The landscape view for YouTube shorts is not aesthetically pleasing. The horizontal blank spaces divert the viewer’s mind, and they cannot concentrate on your video. If you have recorded the video in horizontal view, rotate it before publishing. 

  • Make a Seamless Loop 

The YouTube short video begins again after the clip ends. Use this to your leverage and create a seamless loop video. 

That would leave your audience in a trance, and they would spend more time on the video. There is a high possibility your videos might leave them intrigued, and they check your other videos with high hopes. 

  • Add Trending Music and Hashtags 

Trending hashtags for YouTube go a long way in enhancing the channel’s visibility. YouTube filters long and short videos based on the hashtags in the description. 

Using hashtags allows you to rank at the top of the most popular videos. You only need to use the pertinent ones. Moreover, it is a quick way for viewers to search for niche content. 

Even trending songs or music have a great chance of propelling your YouTube video to the top. Just make sure the songs and music fit the vibe of the video. Many people use trending songs on YouTube for any random video that does not suit the video’s emotions. 

After creating a successful YouTube marketing strategy, it is time to monetize and generate revenue from your YouTube channel

  • Monetize YouTube Shorts 

YouTube started a new funding strategy for the shorts creator in 2021, and based on the last month’s views, the creators received YouTube shorts funds. However, this strategy is being replaced with advertising revenue in February 2023.

This new strategy is believed to help creators earn more revenue than the funds. 

Yet there are more ways than one to monetize YouTube Shorts. Getting brand sponsorships is no new marketing strategy and has been the major source of monetization for the creators. 

However, sponsors and investors are keener to invest in short-form content. They would invest in you if you are versatile and move with the new updates. Short-form videos or reels (as people call them) are the thing of the present and have a lot of potential in the future. 

Now to get sponsors, you do not need millions of subscribers just the right target audience would do. 

  • Advertising Revenue from YouTube Shorts? 

All YouTube creators might have heard of YPP (YouTube partner program). Earlier YouTube only allowed long-form video creators to be a part of the YPP. But as per the news from early 2023, YouTube shorts creators with 1000 subscribers and 10M short views in 90 days and 4000 public watch hours in the past 12 months are eligible for YPP. 

 YouTube will also offer fan funding to new YPP members with new features like super chat, super stickers, super thanks, and channel memberships. 

The super thanks for beta shorts will allow the fans and subscribers to show their appreciation and connect with their loved creators via super chats. 

The runtime of the short ads between the YouTube short videos will be calculated at the end of every month and the YPP members will receive monthly revenue as a reward. The revenue also covers the cost of music licensing and enhances the shorts’ experience. 

Source: YouTube

  • Ready to Start? 

YouTube shorts aren’t just for fun and entertainment channels, they work great for brick-and-mortar businesses as well. But what to showcase in those YouTube shorts?

Leave that to us! Digital Kangaroos- one of the leading digital marketing agencies has professional experience in YouTube video marketing. We maintain consistency to post on your YouTube channel to gain high website traffic. 

For reference, you can check Digital Kangaroos’ YouTube channel. We regularly update YouTube short videos on our channel. 

Marketing automation and digital marketing together can skyrocket traffic and lead generation.  However, distinctively they too offer many advantages for...

Marketing automation and digital marketing together can skyrocket traffic and lead generation. 

However, distinctively they too offer many advantages for an e-commerce business. 

Running a business without digital marketing strategies is like planning the downfall of the business.

It is crucial for business owners to understand the different trending marketing terms. 

Some of these new strategies are vital to generating leads and conversions. 

Let’s see what these new marketing strategies bring to the table. 

What is Marketing Automation? 

Marketing automation is the best marketing strategy to save loads of time while engaging customers. 

It uses the collected customer data and sends personalized emails and targeted messages to potential customers. 

The best part? Marketing automation can send messages as an email, push notification, or SMS. 

Personalized automated messages not only save you time but also keep the customer engaged with constant updates.

What are the types of Marketing Automation? 

  • Email Marketing Automation 

As said, email marketing is the best way to use marketing automation to engage customers. 

You can use the actions and interactions with the customers to generate personalized emails and improve the marketing metrics. 

Sending automated text and email messages is an outbound marketing automation. 

  • Social Media Marketing Automation

Every person is active on one or other social media platforms. E-commerce businesses use this activity to their advantage. 

Consistent content on social media influences and engages the audience. 

But posting regularly can be a hectic task and thus the need for social media marketing automation. 

You can automate social media campaigns and increase the benefits of digital marketing. 

However, if you are a budding entrepreneur, you can hire a digital marketing agency to create effective social media marketing strategies according to your business needs. 

  • Advertising Automation

Do you wonder how you start getting ads for a product you searched about on Google search engines?

This is because of advertising automation. It automatically sends your paid advertisements to people who recently searched about it or might be interested in it. 

Advertising automation ramps its strategy according to consumer behavior. You can use advertising automation for Google Ads and social media ads like Facebook ads. 

  • Lead Management Automation

Generating and managing leads is the priority of every business owner. But it can be an overwhelming task since it is not possible to keep an eye on everything. 

Lead management automation collects the data according to the lead generation metric you set. For instance, lead management automation will collect the data of the user spending more time on one particular product page on your website. 

You can use this data along with advertised automation to engage more audiences and compel them to take action. 

What are the Benefits of Marketing Automation?

  • Sales and Marketing Ailment 

The marketing automation tools take care of every marketing strategy for your business. It gives you time to enhance the product quality and enhance the user experience. 

Marketing automation starts the lead generation process from the initial stage of brand building. It eases the work of the sales and marketing department by collecting data for possible leads and potential customers. 

  • Increased Conversion Rate 

Since marketing automation tools strategically target potential customers, it effectively manage the leads. An increased number of leads possibly increases the conversion rate. 

The marketing automation tools also retarget frequent visitors and create personalized SMS and emails to engage them. 

  • Increased Efficiency 

The marketing automation tools reduce the time you spend on social media marketing and email marketing. Your creative team can use this time to plan and create unique ideas for upcoming campaigns. 

The automation tool provides a platform to create social media campaigns, email marketing campaigns, and blog posting- all under one roof!

What is Digital Marketing? 

Digital marketing helps to create a potential customer base while marketing automation helps to maintain relations with them. 

Digital marketing involves everything from design to social media marketing to engage the audience and optimize content for social search.  

However, they both go hand in hand. Create successful digital marketing strategies and then implement them with marketing automation. 

What are the types of Digital Marketing? 

Digital marketing strategies focus on promoting your products and services. With digitalization, many social media channels and display advertisements entice the audience. 

Digital marketing platforms are a large sea of options, and every business has a different need for them. Some of these strategies include:

  • Search Engine Optimization 

If you are running your e-commerce website, you must be aware of Google Analytics. Google ranks the websites according to the relevant keywords and content optimization. 

Higher optimized content will rank higher in the search engine result pages. 

  • Social Media Marketing 

Social media marketing is the best digital marketing strategy for e-commerce businesses. 

About 130 million people make a purchase through Instagram alone from a total of 500 million active users. 

You can create a strong social media profile and then advertise and sell your products and services. 

  • Content Marketing 

It is the most underrated yet effective digital marketing strategy. Sharing informative content like blogs helps to build a strong relationship with the audience. 

All SEO experts understand the value of relevant and informative content. Publishing quality content not only helps with keyword targeting but also builds brand credibility. 

What are the Benefits of Digital Marketing? 

A successful digital marketing strategy connects you with the target audience at the right time.

Besides increased traffic on the website and higher rankings on the search engine, listed below are some other benefits of digital marketing. 

  • Local Audience

Digital marketing helps businesses reach the local audience, especially if the services are for local customers. Making area-specific landing pages helps with local SEO. 

Moreover, targeting local keywords enhances local visibility and guarantees a sea of potential customers. 

  • Plenty of Options

As said earlier, there are a plethora of options for digital marketing. Be it B2B or B2C businesses, there is something for every business. 

You can engage a global audience with Google Ads or you can interact with the audience via content marketing. 

However, the best practice is to analyze the data and indulge in suitable digital marketing strategies. 

Major Takeaways

Did you get an insight into digital marketing and marketing automation? Do you think they will be effective together?

If you still haven’t automated your email campaigns, it is high time you do it. 

Also, if you have just begun your journey and need guidance, Digital Kangaroos is here to help you with all digital marketing strategies. 

Convert your leads into customers and Get Started NOW! 

One part of digital marketing is generating leads, and it is the foremost step.  The increased engagement on the internet...

One part of digital marketing is generating leads, and it is the foremost step. 

The increased engagement on the internet has increased the difficulty in retaining customers on the website. It is overwhelming to generate leads and effectively turn them into consumers. 

Growth marketers need to lay out a specific set of strategies to enhance lead generation. Although it is beneficial for every e-commerce website, optimizing the website is the ideal option for small enterprises to generate leads. 

But why is SEO important, and how can you optimize your website? Continue further to clear all your doubts. 

Why is SEO important?

SEO has proven to be a crucial digital element. Optimizing the website helps the enterprise to be on top of search engine rankings. 

With a good SEO strategy and planned tactics, it is possible to glorify the business. However, it requires patience to convert the leads into actual revenue. 

The SEO strategy should be drafted to suit the needs of the business type. The optimizing strategy should be strong enough to not be affected by the search engine algorithms. 

Google is the most used search engine in the entire world, and YouTube seconds it. The growth marketers set up the strategies according to the analytics of Google rankings. 

Better SEO tactics mean better user experience. Analyzed and calculated SEO techniques would increase the chances of solving the user’s queries. 

SEO experts use backlinks and local citations to target a specific area’s audience. Adding regional keywords will improve the chance of higher search engine rankings. 

SEO bestows new techniques and practices constantly. Constantly monitoring and updating the strategies maintains the website’s top position. 

SEO has long-term effects, although it takes time to observe the desired results. Even a failing website will be in the top searches with the best SEO tactics.

How do Optimize the Websites to Generate Leads?

Now that we have understood the basic importance of optimization, let’s move further on how to optimize websites. 

  • Multifaceted Approach

Having a multifaceted approach is necessary for life, especially when expanding your domain. A planned SEO tactic yields the best possible ROI. 

It is pivotal to maximize efforts in different areas to optimize lead generation. Not all components of some tactics need to be implemented. However, it is beneficial to tamper with some of the strategies. 

A successful SEO utilizes organic SEO, Pay-per-click advertising, and social media marketing. 

Generating leads is the first step, but leads are nothing without the engagement of the audience. 

  • Optimizing the Website 

A user will only be attracted to a user-friendly and easily accessible website. Although gaining traffic is the key purpose of lead generation, responsive web design converts the leads into consumers. 

The easier the website navigation, the longer the potential buyer would stay. They would click the back button faster than Usain Bolt if it makes the task difficult. 

The content and design of the website should be of premier quality. So should you put more emphasis on the colors, the design, or the content? That’s a pondering question. 

  • Enhance Usability

The website design should be easy to navigate for both new and old users. 

Not too many changes should be made to the website constantly. Subsequently, the dedicated visitors would lose their connection with the website. 

Further, pop-up ads are a great way to result in CTA actions. But giving too many pop-ups might annoy customers, especially contemporary buyers. 

Too many pop-ups waste their time while surfing through the website. In return, they would head back and give the website a high bounce rate. 

Pro Tip- Use pop-up ads at an appropriate time and website page. Pop-up ads during checkout or at the payment option will give adverse results. 

  • Mobile-Friendly Design 

As said earlier, it is better to have a responsive web design. A few of the potential buyers visit the website in desktop view. 

Mobile devices contribute to 80% of website engagement. If the website is not designed for mobile devices, it is likely to receive a higher bounce rate. 

Simplified websites with easy access buttons enhance the user’s experience. It further gives the appearance of a professional website. 

There is no need for complicated fonts and designs. This would make the text unreadable and incompetent. Besides, the website looks unprofessional. 

Always opt for a minimalist approach to e-commerce websites. 

A simple website is an effective one!

  • High Speed 

No one has enough time to surf through a non-accessible website. 

If the website takes time to load, it compels the customer to leave the website, which gives a higher bounce rate. Thus, not generating leads. 

Enhance your websites with online tools for lead generation. 

  • Optimizing the Landing Pages

Landing pages are an excellent way to generate traffic. Providing appropriate information brings the potential customer to the landing page offering the same information. 

Using A/B testing sets a benchmark for a particular SEO strategy for lead generations. This would help to know if the landing page needs improvement. 

Try to adapt the strategies according to the user’s liking. However, keep in mind to not duplicate the content on your website. Google Analytics does not appreciate plagiarism. 

The pages should offer a clear message, keeping in mind the target keywords. Additionally, there should be a connection between the lead generation source and the landing pages. 

Remember- Keep the content and design visually appealing and consistent. 

Final Thoughts

It might sound overwhelming to generate leads by optimizing the websites. It is not the task of a single individual. 

It requires a hard-working and skilled digital marketing team. However, hiring one is a daunting task. 

If you need to hire a digital marketing and web development agency, you can always visit Digital Kangaroos. We specialize in SEO strategies and web development. Our team works diligently to bring forth the best results for your website.